rocl 0.0.5

Rust OSB client library used by rocs generated with openapi-generator
 * Open Service Broker API
 * The Open Service Broker API defines an HTTP(S) interface between Platforms and Service Brokers.
 * The version of the OpenAPI document: master - might contain changes that are not yet released
 * Contact:
 * Generated by:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::borrow::Borrow;

use reqwest;

use super::{Error, configuration};

pub struct CatalogApiClient {
    configuration: Rc<configuration::Configuration>,

impl CatalogApiClient {
    pub fn new(configuration: Rc<configuration::Configuration>) -> CatalogApiClient {
        CatalogApiClient {
            configuration: configuration,

pub trait CatalogApi {
    fn catalog_get(&self, x_broker_api_version: &str) -> Result<crate::models::Catalog, Error>;

impl CatalogApi for CatalogApiClient {
    fn catalog_get(&self, x_broker_api_version: &str) -> Result<crate::models::Catalog, Error> {
        let configuration: &configuration::Configuration = self.configuration.borrow();
        let client = &configuration.client;

        let uri_str = format!("{}/v2/catalog", configuration.base_path);
        let mut req_builder = client.get(uri_str.as_str());

        if let Some(ref user_agent) = configuration.user_agent {
            req_builder = req_builder.header(reqwest::header::USER_AGENT, user_agent.clone());
        req_builder = req_builder.header("X-Broker-API-Version", x_broker_api_version.to_string());
        if let Some(ref auth_conf) = configuration.basic_auth {
            req_builder = req_builder.basic_auth(auth_conf.0.to_owned(), auth_conf.1.to_owned());

        // send request
        let req =;

