rocksdb 0.8.3

Rust wrapper for Facebook's RocksDB embeddable database

0.8.3 (2018-02-10)
 * Bump rocksdb to 5.10.2 (ongardie)
 * Add Send marker to Options (iSynaptic)
 * Expose advise_random_on_open option (ongardie)

0.8.2 (2017-12-28)
 * Bump rocksdb to 5.7.1 (jquesnelle)

0.8.1 (2017-09-08)
 * Added list_cf (jeizsm)

0.8.0 (2017-09-02)
 * Removed set_disable_data_sync (glittershark)

0.7.2 (2017-09-02)
 * Bumped rocksdb to 5.6.2 (spacejam)

0.7.1 (2017-08-29)
 * Bumped rocksdb to 5.6.1 (vmx)

0.7 (2017-07-26)

**Breaking Changes**
 * Bumped rocksdb to 5.4.6 (derekdreery)
 * Remove `use_direct_writes` now that `use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction` exists (derekdreery)

**New features**
 * ReadOptions is now public (rschmukler)
 * Implement Clone and AsRef<str> for Error (daboross)
 * Support for `seek_for_prev` (kaedroho)
 * Support for DirectIO (kaedroho)

**Internal cleanups**
 * Fixed race condition in tests (debris)
 * Move tests to the default `tests` directory (vmx)

0.6.1 (2017-03-13)

**New features**
 * Support for raw iterator access (kaedroho)

0.6 (2016-12-18)

 **Breaking changes**
 * Comparator function now returns an Ordering (alexreg)

 **New features**
 * Compaction filter (tmccombs)
 * Support for backups (alexreg)

0.5 (2016-11-20)

 **Breaking changes**

 * No more Writable trait, as WriteBatch is not thread-safe as a DB (spacejam)
 * All imports of `rocksdb::rocksdb::*` should now be simply `rocksdb::*` (alexreg)
 * All errors changed to use a new `rocksdb::Error` type (kaedroho, alexreg)
 * Removed `Options.set_filter_deletes` as it was removed in RocksDB (kaedroho)
 * Renamed `add_merge_operator` to `set_merge_operator` and `add_comparator` to `set_comparator` (kaedroho)
 **New features**
 * Windows support (development by jsgf and arkpar. ported by kaedroho)
 * The RocksDB library is now built at crate compile-time and statically linked with the resulting binary (development by jsgf and arkpar. ported by kaedroho)
 * Cleaned up and improved coverage and tests of the ffi module (alexreg)
 * Added many new methods to the `Options` type (development by ngaut, BusyJay, zhangjinpeng1987, siddontang and hhkbp2. ported by kaedroho)
 * Added `len` and `is_empty` methods to `WriteBatch` (development by siddontang. ported by kaedroho)
 * Added `path` mathod to `DB` (development by siddontang. ported by kaedroho)
 * `DB::open` now accepts any type that implements `Into<Path>` as the path argument (kaedroho)
 * `DB` now implements the `Debug` trait (kaedroho)
 * Add iterator_cf to snapshot (jezell)
 * Changelog started