rocket_lamb 0.6.0

A crate to allow running a Rocket webserver as an AWS Lambda Function with API Gateway

A crate to allow running a [Rocket]( webserver as an AWS Lambda Function with API Gateway, built on the [AWS Lambda Rust Runtime](

The function takes a request from an AWS API Gateway Proxy and converts it into a `LocalRequest` to pass to Rocket. Then it will convert the response from Rocket into the response body that API Gateway understands.

This *should* also work with requests from an AWS Application Load Balancer, but this has not been tested.

## Usage

#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]

#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
use rocket_lamb::RocketExt;

fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

fn main() {
        .mount("/hello", routes![hello])
        .lambda() // launch the Rocket as a Lambda


use rocket::Rocket;

extern crate failure;

mod error;

mod builder;
mod config;
mod handler;
mod request_ext;

pub use builder::*;
pub use config::*;
pub use handler::*;

/// Extensions for `rocket::Rocket` to make it easier to create Lambda handlers.
pub trait RocketExt {
    /// Create a new `RocketHandlerBuilder` from the given `Rocket`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use rocket_lamb::RocketExt;
    /// let builder = rocket::ignite().lambda();
    /// ```
    fn lambda(self) -> RocketHandlerBuilder;

impl RocketExt for Rocket {
    fn lambda(self) -> RocketHandlerBuilder {