rocket_http 0.4.2

Types, traits, and parsers for HTTP requests, responses, and headers.
macro_rules! known_media_types {
    ($cont:ident) => ($cont! {
        Any (is_any): "any media type", "*", "*",
        Binary (is_binary): "binary data", "application", "octet-stream",
        HTML (is_html): "HTML", "text", "html" ; "charset" => "utf-8",
        Plain (is_plain): "plain text", "text", "plain" ; "charset" => "utf-8",
        JSON (is_json): "JSON", "application", "json",
        MsgPack (is_msgpack): "MsgPack", "application", "msgpack",
        Form (is_form): "forms", "application", "x-www-form-urlencoded",
        JavaScript (is_javascript): "JavaScript", "application", "javascript",
        CSS (is_css): "CSS", "text", "css" ; "charset" => "utf-8",
        FormData (is_form_data): "multipart form data", "multipart", "form-data",
        XML (is_xml): "XML", "text", "xml" ; "charset" => "utf-8",
        CSV (is_csv): "CSV", "text", "csv" ; "charset" => "utf-8",
        PNG (is_png): "PNG", "image", "png",
        GIF (is_gif): "GIF", "image", "gif",
        BMP (is_bmp): "BMP", "image", "bmp",
        JPEG (is_jpeg): "JPEG", "image", "jpeg",
        WEBP (is_webp): "WEBP", "image", "webp",
        SVG (is_svg): "SVG", "image", "svg+xml",
        Icon (is_icon): "Icon", "image", "x-icon",
        WEBM (is_webm): "WEBM", "video", "webm",
        WEBA (is_weba): "WEBM Audio", "audio", "webm",
        OGG (is_ogg): "OGG Video", "video", "ogg",
        FLAC (is_flac): "FLAC", "audio", "flac",
        WAV (is_wav): "WAV", "audio", "wav",
        PDF (is_pdf): "PDF", "application", "pdf",
        TTF (is_ttf): "TTF", "application", "font-sfnt",
        OTF (is_otf): "OTF", "application", "font-sfnt",
        WOFF (is_woff): "WOFF", "application", "font-woff",
        WOFF2 (is_woff2): "WOFF2", "font", "woff2",
        JsonApi (is_json_api): "JSON API", "application", "vnd.api+json",
        WASM (is_wasm): "WASM", "application", "wasm",
        TIFF (is_tiff): "TIFF", "image", "tiff",
        AAC (is_aac): "AAC Audio", "audio", "aac",
        Calendar (is_ical): "iCalendar", "text", "calendar",
        MPEG (is_mpeg): "MPEG Video", "video", "mpeg",
        TAR (is_tar): "tape archive", "application", "x-tar",
        GZIP (is_gzip): "gzipped binary", "application", "gzip",
        MOV (is_mov): "quicktime video", "video", "quicktime",
        MP4 (is_mp4): "MPEG4 Video", "video", "mp4",
        ZIP (is_zip): "ZIP archive", "application", "zip",

macro_rules! known_extensions {
    ($cont:ident) => ($cont! {
        "txt" => Plain,
        "html" => HTML,
        "htm" => HTML,
        "xml" => XML,
        "csv" => CSV,
        "js" => JavaScript,
        "css" => CSS,
        "json" => JSON,
        "png" => PNG,
        "gif" => GIF,
        "bmp" => BMP,
        "jpeg" => JPEG,
        "jpg" => JPEG,
        "webp" => WEBP,
        "svg" => SVG,
        "ico" => Icon,
        "flac" => FLAC,
        "wav" => WAV,
        "webm" => WEBM,
        "weba" => WEBA,
        "ogg" => OGG,
        "ogv" => OGG,
        "pdf" => PDF,
        "ttf" => TTF,
        "otf" => OTF,
        "woff" => WOFF,
        "woff2" => WOFF2,
        "mp4" => MP4,
        "mpeg4" => MP4,
        "wasm" => WASM,
        "aac" => AAC,
        "ics" => Calendar,
        "bin" => Binary,
        "mpg" => MPEG,
        "mpeg" => MPEG,
        "tar" => TAR,
        "gz" => GZIP,
        "tif" => TIFF,
        "tiff" => TIFF,
        "mov" => MOV,
        "zip" => ZIP,

macro_rules! known_shorthands {
    ($cont:ident) => ($cont! {
        "any" => Any,
        "binary" => Binary,
        "html" => HTML,
        "plain" => Plain,
        "json" => JSON,
        "msgpack" => MsgPack,
        "form" => Form,
        "js" => JavaScript,
        "css" => CSS,
        "multipart" => FormData,
        "xml" => XML,