rocket_cors 0.0.1

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for applications
# rocket_cors

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- Documentation:  stable | [master branch]

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for [Rocket] applications

## Requirements

- Nightly Rust
- Rocket >= 0.3

### Nightly Rust

Rocket requires nightly Rust. You should probably install Rust with
[rustup](, then override the code directory to use nightly instead of stable.
[installation instructions](

In particular, `rocket_cors` is currently targetted for `nightly-2017-07-13`. Newer nightlies
might work, but it's not guaranteed.

## Installation

<!-- Add the following to Cargo.toml:

rocket_cors = "0.1.0"
``` -->

To use the latest `master` branch, for example:

rocket_cors = { git = "", branch = "master" }

## Reference

- [W3C CORS Recommendation]