rocket 0.1.6

Web framework for nightly with a focus on ease-of-use, expressability, and speed.

extern crate rocket;

use rocket::http::uri::Segments;

fn test(path: Segments) -> String {

fn two(path: Segments) -> String {

fn one_two(path: Segments) -> String {

#[get("/<path..>", rank = 2)]
fn none(path: Segments) -> String {

fn dual(user: String, path: Segments) -> String {
    user + "/is/" + &path.collect::<Vec<_>>().join("/")

use rocket::testing::MockRequest;
use rocket::http::Method::*;

fn segments_works() {
    let rocket = rocket::ignite()
        .mount("/", routes![test, two, one_two, none, dual])
        .mount("/point", routes![test, two, one_two, dual]);

    // We construct a path that matches each of the routes above. We ensure the
    // prefix is stripped, confirming that dynamic segments are working.
    for prefix in &["", "/test", "/two", "/one/two",
                    "/point/test", "/point/two", "/point/one/two",
                    "/static", "/point/static"]
        let path = "this/is/the/path/we/want";
        let mut req = MockRequest::new(Get, format!("{}/{}", prefix, path));

        let mut response = req.dispatch_with(&rocket);
        let body_str = response.body().and_then(|b| b.into_string());
        assert_eq!(body_str, Some(path.into()));