rocket-include-tera 0.5.4

This is a crate which provides macros `tera_resources_initialize!` and `tera_response!` to statically include Tera files from your Rust project and make them be the HTTP response sources quickly.
use std::io::Cursor;

use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::request::Request;
use rocket::response::{self, Responder, Response};

use crate::{EntityTag, EtagIfNoneMatch};

struct TeraResponseInner {
    content: String,
    etag: String,

/// To respond HTML.
pub struct TeraResponse {
    inner: Option<TeraResponseInner>,

impl TeraResponse {
    pub(crate) fn build_not_cache<S: Into<String>>(
        content: S,
        etag: &EntityTag<'static>,
    ) -> TeraResponse {
        TeraResponse {
            inner: Some(TeraResponseInner {
                content: content.into(),
                etag: etag.to_string(),

    pub const fn not_modified() -> TeraResponse {
        TeraResponse {
            inner: None,

    pub fn weak_eq(&self, etag_if_none_match: &EtagIfNoneMatch<'_>) -> bool {
            .map(|inner| {
                etag_if_none_match.weak_eq(unsafe {
                    &EntityTag::with_str_unchecked(false, &inner.etag[1..(inner.etag.len() - 1)])

impl<'r, 'o: 'r> Responder<'r, 'o> for TeraResponse {
    fn respond_to(self, _: &'r Request<'_>) -> response::Result<'o> {
        let mut response = Response::build();

        if let Some(inner) = self.inner {
            response.raw_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
            response.raw_header("Etag", inner.etag);

            response.sized_body(inner.content.len(), Cursor::new(inner.content));
        } else {
