rocket-include-handlebars 0.13.5

This is a crate which provides macros `handlebars_resources_initialize!` and `handlebars_response!` to statically include HBS (Handlebars) files from your Rust project and make them be the HTTP response sources quickly.
default-features = false
features = ["Debug"]
version = ">=0.4.0"

version = "4.1.2"

version = "4"

version = "0.11"

features = ["tuple"]
version = "0.1.6"

features = ["tokio"]
version = "2.0.14"

version = "0.5.0-rc.3"

version = "0.4.0"

version = "1"
version = "1"

helper_dec = []
helper_eq_str = []
helper_inc = []
helper_ne_str = []
helpers = ["helper_inc", "helper_dec", "helper_eq_str", "helper_ne_str"]

authors = ["Magic Len <>"]
categories = ["web-programming"]
description = "This is a crate which provides macros `handlebars_resources_initialize!` and `handlebars_response!` to statically include HBS (Handlebars) files from your Rust project and make them be the HTTP response sources quickly."
edition = "2021"
homepage = ""
include = ["src/**/*", "Cargo.toml", "", "LICENSE"]
keywords = ["rocket", "server", "web", "static", "handlebars"]
license = "MIT"
name = "rocket-include-handlebars"
readme = ""
repository = ""
rust-version = "1.67"
version = "0.13.5"