robusta_jni 0.0.3

Easy interop between Rust and Java

This library provides a procedural macro to make easier to write JNI-compatible code in Rust.

It can perform automatic conversion of Rust-y input and output types (see the limitations).

robusta_jni = "0.0.3"


All that's needed is a couple of attributes in the right places.

First, a #[bridge] attribute on a module will enable it to be processed by robusta.

Then, we will need a struct for every class with a native method that will be implemented in Rust, and each of these structs will have to be annotated with a #[package] attribute with the name of the Java package the corresponding class belongs to.

After that, the functions implemented can be written as ordinary Rust functions, and the macro will take care of converting to and from Java types. By default if a conversion fails a Java exception is thrown.

NOTE: This library currently supports static methods only.


Rust side

use robusta_jni::bridge;

mod jni {
struct HelloWorld;

impl HelloWorld {
fn special(mut input1: Vec<i32>, input2: i32) -> Vec<String> {

Java side

package com.example.robusta;

import java.util.*;

class HelloWorld {
private static native ArrayList<String> special(ArrayList<Integer> input1, int input2);

static {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> output = HelloWorld.special(new ArrayList<Integer>(List.of(1, 2, 3)), 4);

Type conversion details and extension to custom types

There are four traits that control how Rust types are converted to/from Java types: (Try)FromJavaValue and (Try)IntoJavaValue.

These traits are used for input and output types respectively, and implementing them is necessary to allow the library to perform automatic type conversion. By default, the Try variants are used, all of which throw a Java exception upon failure. This behaviour can be changed via the call_type attribute (see the convert module documentation for more details).

These traits make use of type provided by the jni crate, however to provide maximum compatibility with robusta, we suggest using the re-exported version under robusta_jni::jni.

Conversion table

Rust Java
[i32] int
[bool] boolean
[char] char
[i8] byte
[f32] float
[f64] double
[i64] long
[i16] short
Vec<T> ArrayList<T>
JObject<'env> (any Java object as input type)
jobject (any Java object as output)

† Type parameter T must implement proper conversion types

‡ The special 'env lifetime must be used


Only static methods are supported.

Currently there are some limitations in the conversion mechanism:

  • Boxed types are supported only through the opaque JObject/jobject types
  • Automatic type conversion is limited to the table outlined above, though easily extendable if needed.