robma_builder 0.0.1

My result of the builder exercise in proc-macro-workshop by David Tolnay.
// Ensure that your macro reports a reasonable error message when the caller
// mistypes the inert attribute in various ways. This is a compile_fail test.
// The preferred way to report an error from a procedural macro is by including
// an invocation of the standard library's compile_error macro in the code
// emitted by the procedural macro.
// Resources:
//   - The compile_error macro for emitting basic custom errors:
//   - Lowering a syn::Error into an invocation of compile_error:

use robma_builder::Builder;

pub struct Command {
    executable: String,
    #[builder(eac = "arg")]
    args: Vec<String>,
    env: Vec<String>,
    current_dir: Option<String>,

fn main() {}