robespierre 0.3.1

A API wrapper.
use std::{borrow::Cow, convert::Infallible, pin::Pin, sync::Arc};

use futures::{
    future::{ready, Ready},
use robespierre_models::{
    id::{ChannelId, IdStringDeserializeError, UserId},

use crate::{
    framework::standard::{CommandError, CommandResult, FwContext},
    model::{ChannelIdExt, UserIdExt},

use super::{ExtractorConfigBuilder, FromMessage, Msg};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct RawArgs(pub Arc<String>);

impl FromMessage for RawArgs {
    type Config = ();
    type Fut = Ready<CommandResult<Self>>;

    fn from_message(_ctx: FwContext, message: Msg, _config: Self::Config) -> Self::Fut {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Args<T: ArgTuple>(pub T);

impl<T: ArgTuple> FromMessage for Args<T> {
    type Config = ArgsConfig;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = CommandResult<Self>> + Send + 'static>>;

    fn from_message(ctx: FwContext, message: Msg, config: Self::Config) -> Self::Fut {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let fut = T::from_message(ctx, message, config);
            Ok::<_, CommandError>(Args(fut.await?))

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct QuoteRespectingArgs<T: ArgTuple>(pub T);

impl<T: ArgTuple> FromMessage for QuoteRespectingArgs<T> {
    type Config = ArgsConfig;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = CommandResult<Self>> + Send + 'static>>;

    fn from_message(ctx: FwContext, message: Msg, config: Self::Config) -> Self::Fut {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let fut = T::from_message(ctx, message, config.quote_parser(true));
            Ok::<_, CommandError>(QuoteRespectingArgs(fut.await?))

pub trait ArgTuple: FromMessage<Config = ArgsConfig> + Sized {}

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("need arg value error")]
pub struct NeedArgValueError;

pub trait Arg: Sized + Send {
    type Err: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static;
    type Fut: Future<Output = Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>> + Send + 'static;

    const TRIM: bool = true;
    const IS_REST: bool = false;

    /// used when args are over
    fn default_arg_value() -> Result<Self, NeedArgValueError> {

    fn parse_arg(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum PushBack {

macro_rules! from_str_arg_impl {
    ($t:ty) => {
        impl $crate::framework::standard::extractors::Arg for $t
            Self: ::std::str::FromStr + ::std::marker::Send,
            <Self as ::std::str::FromStr>::Err:
                ::std::error::Error + ::std::marker::Send + ::std::marker::Sync + 'static,
            type Err = <Self as ::std::str::FromStr>::Err;
            type Fut = ::std::future::Ready<
                    (Self, $crate::framework::standard::extractors::PushBack),

            fn parse_arg(
                _ctx: &$crate::framework::standard::FwContext,
                _msg: &$crate::framework::standard::extractors::Msg,
                s: &::std::primitive::str,
            ) -> Self::Fut {
                        .map(|it| (it, $crate::framework::standard::extractors::PushBack::No)),


impl Arg for String {
    type Err = Infallible;

    type Fut = Ready<Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>>;

    const TRIM: bool = false;

    fn parse_arg(_ctx: &FwContext, _msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        ready(Ok((s.to_string(), PushBack::No)))

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ParseUserIdError {
    #[error("the user id mention starts with `<@` but never ends with `>`")]

    #[error("parsing inner id: {0}")]
    Inner(#[from] IdStringDeserializeError),

impl Arg for UserId {
    type Err = ParseUserIdError;

    type Fut = Ready<Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>>;

    fn parse_arg(_ctx: &FwContext, _msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let result = if let Some(s1) = s.strip_prefix("<@") {
            if let Some(s2) = s1.strip_suffix('>') {
            } else {
        } else {
        .map(|it| (it, PushBack::No));


#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ParseChannelIdError {
    #[error("the user id mention starts with `<#` but never ends with `>`")]

    #[error("parsing inner id: {0}")]
    Inner(#[from] IdStringDeserializeError),

impl Arg for ChannelId {
    type Err = ParseChannelIdError;

    type Fut = Ready<Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>>;

    fn parse_arg(_ctx: &FwContext, _msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let result = if let Some(s1) = s.strip_prefix("<#") {
            if let Some(s2) = s1.strip_suffix('>') {
            } else {
        } else {
        .map(|it| (it, PushBack::No));


#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ParseUserError {
    #[error("parse user id error: {0}")]
    ParseId(#[from] ParseUserIdError),
    #[error("other: {0}")]
    Other(#[from] crate::Error),

impl Arg for User {
    type Err = ParseUserError;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>> + Send>>;

    fn parse_arg(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let fut = UserId::parse_arg(ctx, msg, s);
        let ctx = ctx.clone();
        Box::pin(async move { Ok((fut.await?.0.user(&ctx).await?, PushBack::No)) })

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ParseChannelError {
    #[error("parse channel id error: {0}")]
    ParseId(#[from] ParseChannelIdError),
    #[error("other: {0}")]
    Other(#[from] crate::Error),

impl Arg for Channel {
    type Err = ParseChannelError;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>> + Send>>;

    fn parse_arg(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let fut = ChannelId::parse_arg(ctx, msg, s);
        let ctx = ctx.clone();
        Box::pin(async move { Ok((fut.await?, PushBack::No)) })

impl<T> Arg for Option<T>
    T: Arg + 'static,
    type Err = Infallible;

    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>> + Send>>;

    const TRIM: bool = <T as Arg>::TRIM;
    const IS_REST: bool = <T as Arg>::IS_REST;

    fn default_arg_value() -> Result<Self, NeedArgValueError> {

    fn parse_arg(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let fut = T::parse_arg(ctx, msg, s);

        Box::pin(async move {
            let it = fut.await;
            match it {
                Ok((v, _)) => Ok((Some(v), PushBack::No)),
                Err(_) => Ok((None, PushBack::Yes)),

pub struct Rest<T: Arg + 'static>(pub T);

impl<T> Arg for Rest<T>
    T: Arg,
    type Err = <T as Arg>::Err;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>> + Send>>;

    const TRIM: bool = <T as Arg>::TRIM;
    const IS_REST: bool = true;

    fn default_arg_value() -> Result<Self, NeedArgValueError> {

    fn parse_arg(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let fut = T::parse_arg(ctx, msg, s);
        Box::pin(async move {|it| (Self(it.0), it.1)) })

pub struct UnwrapQuote<T: Arg + 'static>(pub T);

impl<T> Arg for UnwrapQuote<T>
    T: Arg,
    type Err = <T as Arg>::Err;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(Self, PushBack), Self::Err>> + Send>>;

    fn parse_arg(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Msg, s: &str) -> Self::Fut {
        let s = if s.starts_with('"') && s.ends_with('"') {
            &s[1..s.len() - 1]
        } else {

        let fut = T::parse_arg(ctx, msg, s);
        Box::pin(async move {|it| (Self(it.0), it.1)) })

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("not enough args")]
pub struct NotEnoughArgs;

impl<T> FromMessage for (T,)
    T: Arg,
    type Config = ArgsConfig;
    type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = CommandResult<Self>> + Send>>;

    fn from_message(ctx: FwContext, message: Msg, config: Self::Config) -> Self::Fut {
        let config = config.or_default_delimiters();

        Box::pin(async move {
            let args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(&message.args, config);
            let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexerWrap::new(args_lexer);

            let arg = if T::IS_REST {
            } else {

            let a1 = if let Some(arg) = arg {
                let arg = if T::TRIM { arg.trim() } else { arg };
                let (v, pb) = T::parse_arg(&ctx, &message, arg).await?;

                if pb == PushBack::Yes {

            } else {

            Ok::<_, CommandError>((a1,))
impl<T: Arg> ArgTuple for (T,) {}

macro_rules! arg_tuple_impl {
    ($($t:ident => $name:ident),* $(,)?) => {
        impl<$($t,)*> FromMessage for ($($t,)*) where $($t: Arg, )* {
            type Config = ArgsConfig;
            type Fut = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = CommandResult<Self>> + Send>>;

            fn from_message(ctx: FwContext, message: Msg, config: Self::Config) -> Self::Fut {
                let config = config.or_default_delimiters();

                Box::pin(async move {
                    let args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(&message.args, config);
                    let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexerWrap::new(args_lexer);

                        let arg = if $t::IS_REST {
                        } else {

                        let $name = if let Some(arg) = arg {
                            let arg = if $t::TRIM { arg.trim() } else { arg };
                            let (v, pb) = $t::parse_arg(&ctx, &message, arg).await?;

                            if pb == PushBack::Yes {

                        } else {

                    Ok::<_, CommandError>(($($name,)*))
        impl<$($t,)*> ArgTuple for ($($t,)*) where $($t: Arg, )* {}

arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5, T6 => a6);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5, T6 => a6, T7 => a7);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5, T6 => a6, T7 => a7, T8 => a8);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5, T6 => a6, T7 => a7, T8 => a8, T9 => a9);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5, T6 => a6, T7 => a7, T8 => a8, T9 => a9, T10 => a10);
arg_tuple_impl!(T1 => a1, T2 => a2, T3 => a3, T4 => a4, T5 => a5, T6 => a6, T7 => a7, T8 => a8, T9 => a9, T10 => a10, T11 => a11);

pub struct ArgsConfig {
    pub delimiters: smallvec::SmallVec<[Cow<'static, str>; 2]>,
    quote_parser: bool,

impl ArgsConfig {
    pub fn or_default_delimiters(mut self) -> Self {
        if self.delimiters.is_empty() {
            self.delimiters = smallvec::smallvec![" ".into()];


    pub fn quote_parser(self, quote_parser: bool) -> Self {
        Self {

pub(crate) struct ArgsLexer<'a> {
    args: &'a str,
    current_pos: usize,
    args_config: ArgsConfig,
    pushed_back: Option<(usize, usize)>,
    last_arg_indices: Option<(usize, usize)>,

impl<'a> ArgsLexer<'a> {
    fn new(args: &'a str, args_config: ArgsConfig) -> Self {
        Self {
            args: args.trim(),
            current_pos: 0,
            pushed_back: None,
            last_arg_indices: None,

    fn push_back(&mut self) {

    fn rest(&mut self) -> Argument<'a> {
        if self.pushed_back.is_none() && self.current_pos == self.args.len() {
            return Argument::Empty;

        if self.pushed_back.is_none() {
            let pos = self.current_pos;
            self.current_pos = self.args.len();
            return Argument::Simple(&self.args[pos..]);

        let pushed_back = std::mem::take(&mut self.pushed_back).unwrap();
        self.current_pos = self.args.len();

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub enum Argument<'a> {
    Simple(&'a str),

impl<'a> Argument<'a> {
    fn to_opt_str(self) -> Option<&'a str> {
        match self {
            Argument::Simple(s) => Some(s),
            Argument::Empty => None,

impl<'a> Iterator for ArgsLexer<'a> {
    type Item = Argument<'a>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // if there was an arg "pushed back", return it, e.g.
        // Option<T: Arg> that failed parsing and wanted to return the token back
        if let Some((start, end)) = self.pushed_back {
            // set the pushed back to none so we don't enter this again
            self.pushed_back = None;
            // get the string
            let s = &self.args[start..end];

            // return it
            if s.is_empty() {
                return Some(Argument::Empty);
            return Some(Argument::Simple(s));

        let s = &self.args[self.current_pos..];
        // we got to the end of the string
        if s.is_empty() {
            return None;

        // starts with any of the delimiters
        if let Some(delim) = self
            .find(|it| s.starts_with(it.as_ref()))
            // skip the delimiter and return empty
            self.last_arg_indices = Some((self.current_pos, self.current_pos));
            self.current_pos += delim.as_ref().len();
            return Some(Argument::Empty);

        if !self.args_config.quote_parser {
            // find next delimiter
            if let Some((delim, pos)) = self
                .filter_map(|it| -> Option<(&str, usize)> {
                    s.find(it.as_ref()).map(|p| (it.as_ref(), p))
                .min_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.cmp(b))
                let current_pos = self.current_pos;
                self.current_pos += pos + delim.len();

                self.last_arg_indices = Some((current_pos, current_pos + pos));

                return Some(Argument::Simple(&self.args[current_pos..current_pos + pos]));
        } else {
            let mut in_quote = false;
            let mut escaped = false;
            for (pos, chr) in s.char_indices() {
                if chr == '"' {
                    if in_quote {
                        if !escaped {
                            in_quote = false;
                    } else {
                        in_quote = true;
                    escaped = false;
                } else if chr == '\\' {
                    escaped = !escaped;
                } else {
                    escaped = false;

                if !in_quote {
                    if let Some(delim) = self
                        .find(|it| s[pos..].starts_with(it.as_ref()))
                        let current_pos = self.current_pos;
                        self.current_pos += pos + delim.len();

                        self.last_arg_indices = Some((current_pos, current_pos + pos));

                        return Some(Argument::Simple(&self.args[current_pos..current_pos + pos]));

        let prev_pos = self.current_pos;
        self.current_pos = self.args.len();

        self.last_arg_indices = Some((prev_pos, self.current_pos));

        return Some(Argument::Simple(&self.args[prev_pos..]));

struct ArgsLexerWrap<'a> {
    inner: ArgsLexer<'a>,

impl<'a> ArgsLexerWrap<'a> {
    fn new(inner: ArgsLexer<'a>) -> Self {
        Self { inner }

    fn push_back(&mut self) {

    fn rest(&mut self) -> Argument<'a> {

impl<'a> Iterator for ArgsLexerWrap<'a> {
    type Item = &'a str;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        for arg in &mut self.inner {
            match arg {
                Argument::Simple(s) => return Some(s),
                Argument::Empty => {}


impl ExtractorConfigBuilder for ArgsConfig {
    fn delimiter(mut self, delimiter: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Self {

    fn delimiters<I, C>(mut self, delimiters: I) -> Self
        I: IntoIterator<Item = C>,
        C: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,

mod tests {
    use super::{ArgsConfig, ArgsLexer, Argument};

    fn args_lexer() {
        let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(
            "aaa bbb",
            ArgsConfig {
                delimiters: smallvec::smallvec![" ".into()],
                quote_parser: false,

        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("aaa")));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("bbb")));
        assert_eq!(, None);
    fn args_lexer_2() {
        let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(
            "aaa   bbb",
            ArgsConfig {
                delimiters: smallvec::smallvec![" ".into()],
                quote_parser: false,

        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("aaa")));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Empty));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Empty));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("bbb")));
        assert_eq!(, None);
    fn args_lexer_quoted_1() {
        let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(
            r#"aaa "bbb""#,
            ArgsConfig {
                delimiters: smallvec::smallvec![" ".into()],
                quote_parser: true,

        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("aaa")));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple(r#""bbb""#)));
        assert_eq!(, None);

    fn args_lexer_quoted_2() {
        let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(
            r#"aaa "bbb" ddd"#,
            ArgsConfig {
                delimiters: smallvec::smallvec![" ".into()],
                quote_parser: true,

        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("aaa")));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple(r#""bbb""#)));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("ddd")));
        assert_eq!(, None);

    fn args_lexer_quoted_3() {
        let mut args_lexer = ArgsLexer::new(
            r#"aaa "bbb ccc" ddd"#,
            ArgsConfig {
                delimiters: smallvec::smallvec![" ".into()],
                quote_parser: true,

        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("aaa")));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple(r#""bbb ccc""#)));
        assert_eq!(, Some(Argument::Simple("ddd")));
        assert_eq!(, None);