rnix 0.5.1

A Nix parser written in Rust

rnix Crates.io

rnix is a Nix parser written in Rust.

This can be used to manipulate the Nix AST and can for example be used for:

  • Interactively render Nix on a GUI
  • Formatting Nix code
  • Rename identifiers

and a lot more!

rnix nowadays uses @matklad's rowan crate to ensure:

  • all span information is preserved, meaning you can use the AST to for example apply highlighting
  • printing out the AST prints out 100% the original code. This is not an over-exaggeration, even completely invalid nix code such as this README can be intact after a parsing session (though the AST will mark errnous nodes)
  • easy ways to walk the tree without resorting to recursion


Examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

You may also want to see nix-explorer: An example that highlights AST nodes in valid Nix code. This demonstrates how span information is preserved.