rmessenger 0.0.1

A Rust Wrapper for the FaceBook Messenger Bot API


MIT License

##A Rust Wrapper for the FaceBook Messenger Bot API Facebook's Messenger Platform

###About you can:

  • send text message
  • send generic message



####Send text message https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/text-message

extern crate rmessenger;
use rmessenger::bot;

fn main() {
    let bot = bot::Bot::new("<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>", "<YOUR APP SECRET>");
    bot.send_text_message("<recipient_id>", "<message>");

####Send generic message

extern crate rmessenger;
use rmessenger::bot;

fn main() {
    let bot = bot::Bot::new("<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>", "<YOUR APP SECRET>");
                             "[{'title': 'example',
                                'image_url': 'https://petersfancybrownhats.com/company_image.png'

elements param is &str


  • send image
  • send file