rmbr 0.1.0

Rust Crate for RMBR: An open-source schoolwork/homework planner build with the student life in mind.
use planr::prelude::*;

/// Test the fmt::Display impl for a Class
fn display_class(){
    // Create class
    let mut class = Class {
        name: "class".to_string(),
        // Create task list
        tasks: TaskList { 0: Vec::new() }

    // Push assignment to class
    class.tasks.0.push(Task {
        name: "task 1".to_string(),
        due_date: 0,
        priority: 1,
        notes: "".to_string()
    // Push another assignment
    class.tasks.0.push(Task {
        name: "task 2".to_string(),
        due_date: 0,
        priority: 1,
        notes: "".to_string()

    let output = format!("{}", class);

    assert_eq!("Class: class\nAssignments:\ntask 1 | Due: 0 | Priority: 1\ntask 2 | Due: 0 | Priority: 1\n", output);

/// Test the fmt::Display impl for a Task
fn display_task(){
    let tsk = Task {
        name: "task".to_string(),
        due_date: 0,
        priority: 1,
        notes: "".to_string()

    let output = format!("{}", tsk);

    assert_eq!("task | Due: 0 | Priority: 1".to_string(), output);


// /// Test the fmt::Display impl for a Planner
// #[test]
// fn display_planner(){

// }

// /// Test the fmt::Display impl for a ClassList
// #[test]
// fn display_classlist(){

// }

// /// Test the fmt::Display impl for a TaskList
// #[test]
// fn display_tasklist(){

// }