rm_rf 0.6.0

Force-remove a file/directory and all descendants
## rm -rf  [![Build Status]https://travis-ci.org/vn971/rm_rf.svg?branch=master]https://travis-ci.org/vn971/rm_rf  [![crates.io]https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rm_rf.svg]https://crates.io/crates/rm_rf

Force-remove a file/directory and all descendants.

In contrast to `std::fs::remove_dir_all`, it will remove
empty directories that lack read access on Linux,
and will remove "read-only" files and directories on Windows.

## Usage

rm_rf::remove("target")?; // remove, fail if target doesn't exists
rm_rf::ensure_removed("target")?; // remove, but ignore if target doesn't exist

Note: to avoid stack overflow for deeply nested directories, this library uses [stacker](https://crates.io/crates/stacker).

## Other

Licensed as (at your choice): MIT, Apache2 and CC0 ("public domain").