rlsf 0.1.1

Real-time dynamic memory allocator based on the TLSF algorithm
use core::{
    ptr::{self, NonNull},

use super::{tlsf::USIZE_BITS, FlexTlsf, Init};

// `doc(cfg(...))` needs to be attached to the type for it to be displayed
// on the docs.
if_supported_target! {
    /// [`Tlsf`] as a global allocator.
    /// [`Tlsf`]: crate::Tlsf
    pub struct GlobalTlsf<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions = ()> {
        inner: UnsafeCell<TheTlsf<Options>>,
        mutex: os::Mutex,
        _phantom: PhantomData<fn() -> Options>,

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(doc)] {
        // don't compile `os` in rustdoc
    } else if #[cfg(unix)] {
        mod unix;
        use self::unix as os;
    } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] {
        mod wasm32;
        use self::wasm32 as os;
    } else {
            "`crate::global` shouldn't be present when \
            compiling for an unsupported target"

type TheTlsf<Options> = Options;
type TheTlsf<Options> =
    FlexTlsf<os::Source<Options>, usize, usize, { USIZE_BITS as usize }, { USIZE_BITS as usize }>;

impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> Init for GlobalTlsf<Options> {
    const INIT: Self = Self::INIT;

if_supported_target! {
    /// The options for [`GlobalTlsf`].
    pub trait GlobalTlsfOptions {
        /// Enables the specialized reallocation routine. This option might
        /// improve the memory usage and runtime performance but increases the
        /// code size considerably.
        /// It's enabled by default.
        const ENABLE_REALLOCATION: bool = true;

        /// Instructs the allocator to coalesce consecutive system memory
        /// allocations into one large memory pool whenever possible.
        /// Warning: If you are going to create allocations larger than or
        /// roughly as large as the system page size, turning off this option
        /// can cause an excessive memory usage.
        /// It's enabled by default.
        const COALESCE_POOLS: bool = true;

impl GlobalTlsfOptions for () {}

if_supported_target! {
    /// [`GlobalTlsfOptions`] with all options set to optimize for code size.
    pub struct SmallGlobalTlsfOptions;

if_supported_target! {
    /// An instantiation of [`GlobalTlsf`] optimized for code size.
    pub type SmallGlobalTlsf = GlobalTlsf<SmallGlobalTlsfOptions>;

impl GlobalTlsfOptions for SmallGlobalTlsfOptions {
    const ENABLE_REALLOCATION: bool = false;
    const COALESCE_POOLS: bool = false;

unsafe impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> Send for GlobalTlsf<Options> {}
unsafe impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> Sync for GlobalTlsf<Options> {}

impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> GlobalTlsf<Options> {
    /// The initializer.
    pub const INIT: Self = Self {
        inner: UnsafeCell::new(Init::INIT),
        mutex: Init::INIT,
        _phantom: PhantomData,

impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> GlobalTlsf<Options> {
    fn lock_inner(&self) -> impl ops::DerefMut<Target = TheTlsf<Options>> + '_ {
        struct LockGuard<'a, Options: GlobalTlsfOptions>(&'a GlobalTlsf<Options>);

        impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> ops::Deref for LockGuard<'_, Options> {
            type Target = TheTlsf<Options>;

            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                // Safety: Protected by `mutex`
                unsafe { &*self.0.inner.get() }

        impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> ops::DerefMut for LockGuard<'_, Options> {
            fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
                // Safety: Protected by `mutex`
                unsafe { &mut *self.0.inner.get() }

        impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> Drop for LockGuard<'_, Options> {
            fn drop(&mut self) {


unsafe impl<Options: GlobalTlsfOptions> alloc::GlobalAlloc for GlobalTlsf<Options> {
    unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: alloc::Layout) -> *mut u8 {
        let mut inner = self.lock_inner();

    unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: alloc::Layout) {
        let mut inner = self.lock_inner();
        // Safety: All allocations are non-null
        let ptr = NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr);
        // Safety: `ptr` denotes a previous allocation with alignment
        //         `layout.align()`
        inner.deallocate(ptr, layout.align());

    unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: alloc::Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
        let mut inner = self.lock_inner();
        // Safety: All allocations are non-null
        let ptr = NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr);
        // Safety: `layout.align()` is a power of two, and the size parameter's
        //         validity is upheld by the caller
        let new_layout = alloc::Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(new_size, layout.align());
        if Options::ENABLE_REALLOCATION {
            // Safety: `ptr` denotes a previous allocation with alignment
            //         `layout.align()`
                .reallocate(ptr, new_layout)
        } else {
            // Safety: the caller must ensure that `new_layout` is greater than zero.
            if let Some(new_ptr) = inner.allocate(new_layout) {
                // Safety: the previously allocated block cannot overlap the
                //         newly allocated block.
                //         The safety contract for `deallocate` must be upheld
                //         by the caller.
                inner.deallocate(ptr, layout.align());
            } else {