rls-analysis 0.18.0

Library for processing rustc's save-analysis data for the RLS
use fst;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::iter;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::time::SystemTime;

use crate::raw::{CrateId, DefKind};
use crate::{Id, Span, SymbolQuery};

/// This is the main database that contains all the collected symbol information,
/// such as definitions, their mapping between spans, hierarchy and so on,
/// organized in a per-crate fashion.
pub(crate) struct Analysis {
    /// Contains lowered data with global inter-crate `Id`s per each crate.
    pub per_crate: HashMap<CrateId, PerCrateAnalysis>,

    // This is a bit of a hack and should be considered temporary. A def has an
    // entry if there exists an import of the def which aliases it. We use this
    // for find_all_refs with unique spans to ensure that clients don't rename a
    // definition when they only mean to rename an alias.
    // In the future we should handle imports, in particular aliasing ones, more
    // explicitly and then this can be removed.
    pub(crate) aliased_imports: HashSet<Id>,

    // Maps a crate names to the crate ids for all crates with that name.
    pub(crate) crate_names: HashMap<String, Vec<CrateId>>,

    pub doc_url_base: String,
    pub src_url_base: String,

pub struct PerCrateAnalysis {
    // Map span to id of def (either because it is the span of the def, or of
    // the def for the ref).
    pub def_id_for_span: HashMap<Span, Ref>,
    pub defs: HashMap<Id, Def>,
    pub defs_per_file: HashMap<PathBuf, Vec<Id>>,
    pub children: HashMap<Id, HashSet<Id>>,
    pub def_names: HashMap<String, Vec<Id>>,

    // Index of all symbols that powers the search.
    // See `SymbolQuery`.
    pub def_fst: fst::Map,
    pub def_fst_values: Vec<Vec<Id>>,

    pub ref_spans: HashMap<Id, Vec<Span>>,
    pub globs: HashMap<Span, Glob>,
    pub impls: HashMap<Id, Vec<Span>>,

    pub root_id: Option<Id>,
    pub timestamp: SystemTime,
    pub path: Option<PathBuf>,
    // All definitions in this crate will include the global_crate_num. See
    // lowering::id_from_compiler_id for details of how.
    // global_crate_num is not available until after lowering.
    pub global_crate_num: u32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Ref {
    // The common case - a reference to a single definition.
    // Two defs contribute to a single reference, occurs in the field name
    // shorthand, maybe other places.
    Double(Id, Id),
    // Multiple ids, we record only the first def we found, plus a count of defs.
    // Should only happen due to generated code which has not been well-filtered
    // by the compiler.
    Multi(Id, usize),

impl Ref {
    pub fn some_id(&self) -> Id {
        match *self {
            Ref::Id(id) => id,
            Ref::Double(id, _) => id,
            Ref::Multi(id, _) => id,

    pub fn add_id(&self, def_id: Id) -> Ref {
        match *self {
            Ref::Id(id) => Ref::Double(id, def_id),
            Ref::Double(id, _) => Ref::Multi(id, 3),
            Ref::Multi(id, n) => Ref::Multi(id, n + 1),

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Def {
    pub kind: DefKind,
    pub span: Span,
    pub name: String,
    pub qualname: String,
    pub distro_crate: bool,
    pub parent: Option<Id>,
    pub value: String,
    pub docs: String,
    // pub sig: Option<Signature>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Signature {
    pub span: Span,
    pub text: String,
    pub ident_start: u32,
    pub ident_end: u32,
    pub defs: Vec<SigElement>,
    pub refs: Vec<SigElement>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SigElement {
    pub id: Id,
    pub start: usize,
    pub end: usize,

pub struct Glob {
    pub value: String,

impl PerCrateAnalysis {
    pub fn new(timestamp: SystemTime, path: Option<PathBuf>) -> PerCrateAnalysis {
        let empty_fst = fst::Map::from_iter(iter::empty::<(String, u64)>()).unwrap();
        PerCrateAnalysis {
            def_id_for_span: HashMap::new(),
            defs: HashMap::new(),
            defs_per_file: HashMap::new(),
            children: HashMap::new(),
            def_names: HashMap::new(),
            def_fst: empty_fst,
            def_fst_values: Vec::new(),
            ref_spans: HashMap::new(),
            globs: HashMap::new(),
            impls: HashMap::new(),
            root_id: None,
            global_crate_num: 0,

    // Returns true if there is a def in this crate with the same crate-local id
    // and span as `def`.
    pub(crate) fn has_congruent_def(&self, local_id: u32, span: &Span) -> bool {
        let id = Id::from_crate_and_local(self.global_crate_num, local_id);
        match self.defs.get(&id) {
            Some(existing) => span == &existing.span,
            None => false,

impl Analysis {
    pub fn new() -> Analysis {
        Analysis {
            per_crate: HashMap::new(),
            aliased_imports: HashSet::new(),
            crate_names: HashMap::new(),
            // TODO don't hardcode these
            doc_url_base: "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly".to_owned(),
            src_url_base: "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master".to_owned(),

    pub fn timestamps(&self) -> HashMap<PathBuf, SystemTime> {
            .filter(|c| c.path.is_some())
            .map(|c| (c.path.as_ref().unwrap().clone(), c.timestamp))

    pub fn update(&mut self, crate_id: CrateId, per_crate: PerCrateAnalysis) {
        self.per_crate.insert(crate_id, per_crate);

    pub fn has_def(&self, id: Id) -> bool {
        self.per_crate.values().any(|c| c.defs.contains_key(&id))

    pub fn for_each_crate<F, T>(&self, f: F) -> Option<T>
        F: Fn(&PerCrateAnalysis) -> Option<T>,
        let mut result = vec![];
        for per_crate in self.per_crate.values() {
            if let Some(t) = f(per_crate) {

        // This assertion is sometimes helpful for debugging, but also can cause
        // problems where otherwise there are none.
        // FIXME - might be worth investigating some common causes.
        // assert!(
        //     result.len() <= 1,
        //     "error in for_each_crate, found {} results, expected 0 or 1",
        //     result.len(),
        // );

    pub fn for_all_crates<F, T>(&self, f: F) -> Vec<T>
        F: Fn(&PerCrateAnalysis) -> Option<Vec<T>>,
        let mut result = vec![];
        for per_crate in self.per_crate.values() {
            if let Some(this_crate) = f(per_crate) {


    pub fn def_id_for_span(&self, span: &Span) -> Option<Id> {
        self.ref_for_span(span).map(|r| r.some_id())

    pub fn ref_for_span(&self, span: &Span) -> Option<Ref> {
        self.for_each_crate(|c| c.def_id_for_span.get(span).cloned())

    // Like def_id_for_span, but will only return a def_id if it is in the same
    // crate.
    pub fn local_def_id_for_span(&self, span: &Span) -> Option<Id> {
        self.for_each_crate(|c| {
            c.def_id_for_span.get(span).map(Ref::some_id).and_then(|id| {
                if c.defs.contains_key(&id) {
                } else {

    pub fn with_defs<F, T>(&self, id: Id, f: F) -> Option<T>
        F: Fn(&Def) -> T,
        self.for_each_crate(|c| c.defs.get(&id).map(&f))

    pub fn with_defs_and_then<F, T>(&self, id: Id, f: F) -> Option<T>
        F: Fn(&Def) -> Option<T>,
        self.for_each_crate(|c| c.defs.get(&id).and_then(&f))

    pub fn with_globs<F, T>(&self, span: &Span, f: F) -> Option<T>
        F: Fn(&Glob) -> T,
        self.for_each_crate(|c| c.globs.get(span).map(&f))

    pub fn for_each_child<F, T>(&self, id: Id, mut f: F) -> Option<Vec<T>>
        F: FnMut(Id, &Def) -> T,
        for per_crate in self.per_crate.values() {
            if let Some(children) = per_crate.children.get(&id) {
                return Some(
                        .filter_map(|id| {
                            let def = per_crate.defs.get(id);
                            if def.is_none() {
                                info!("def not found for {}", id);
                            def.map(|def| f(*id, def))


    pub fn with_ref_spans<F, T>(&self, id: Id, f: F) -> Option<T>
        F: Fn(&Vec<Span>) -> Option<T>,
        self.for_each_crate(|c| c.ref_spans.get(&id).and_then(&f))

    pub fn with_defs_per_file<F, T>(&self, file: &Path, f: F) -> Option<T>
        F: Fn(&Vec<Id>) -> T,
        self.for_each_crate(|c| c.defs_per_file.get(file).map(&f))

    pub fn query_defs(&self, query: SymbolQuery) -> Vec<Def> {
        let mut crates = Vec::with_capacity(self.per_crate.len());
        let stream = query.build_stream(self.per_crate.values().map(|c| {

        query.search_stream(stream, |acc, e| {
            let c = &crates[e.index];
            let ids = &c.def_fst_values[e.value as usize];
            acc.extend(ids.iter().flat_map(|id| c.defs.get(id)).cloned());

    pub fn with_def_names<F, T>(&self, name: &str, f: F) -> Vec<T>
        F: Fn(&Vec<Id>) -> Vec<T>,
        self.for_all_crates(|c| c.def_names.get(name).map(&f))