rlite 0.0.1

Bindings to rlite database
# Interface to rlite

rlite is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional
redis-compatible database engine. rlite is to Redis what SQLite is to SQL.

## Getting Started

rlite-rs is available on
Add the following dependency to your Cargo manifest:

rlite = "0.1.0"

## Example

let path = Path::new("db.rld");
let rlite = Rlite::file(&path).unwrap();

rlite.write_command(&["set".as_bytes(), "key".as_bytes(), "value".as_bytes()]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn.read_reply().unwrap(), Reply::Status("OK".to_owned()));

conn.write_command(&["get".as_bytes(), "key".as_bytes()]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn.read_reply().unwrap(), Reply::Data(b"value".to_vec()));