rlg 0.0.4

A Rust library that implements application-level logging with a simple, readable output format.

RustLogs (RLG)

A Rust library that implements application-level logging with a simple, readable output format.

Made With Love Crates.io Lib.rs Docs.rs License



RustLogs (RLG) is a Rust library that provides application-level logging with a simple, readable output format. It offers logging APIs and various helper macros to simplify common logging tasks.


  • Provides structured log formats that are easy to parse and filter
  • Compatible with multiple output formats including:
    • Common Event Format (CEF)
    • Extended Log Format (ELF)
    • Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF)
    • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    • NCSA Common Log Format (CLF)
    • W3C Extended Log File Format (W3C)
    • Syslog Format
    • Apache Access Log Format
    • Logstash Format
    • Log4j XML Format
    • NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON)
    • and more


To use rlg in your Rust project, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

rlg = "0.0.4"


rlg requires Rust 1.60 or later.


ℹ️ Info: Please check out our website for more information and find our documentation on docs.rs, lib.rs, and crates.io.


Basic Logging

use rlg::log::Log;
use rlg::log_format::LogFormat;
use rlg::log_level::LogLevel;

// Create a new log entry
let log_entry = Log::new(
    "This is a sample log message",
    &LogFormat::JSON, // Choose from various formats like JSON, Syslog, NDJSON, etc.

// Log the entry asynchronously
tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async {

Custom Log Configuration

use rlg::config::Config;
use rlg::log::Log;
use rlg::log_format::LogFormat;
use rlg::log_level::LogLevel;

// Customize log file path
std::env::set_var("LOG_FILE_PATH", "/path/to/log/file.log");

// Load custom configuration
let config = Config::load();

// Create a new log entry with custom configuration
let log_entry = Log::new(
    "This is a sample log message",

// Log the entry asynchronously
tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async {


By default, RustLogs (RLG) logs to a file named "RLG.log" in the current directory. You can customize the log file path by setting the LOG_FILE_PATH environment variable.

Error Handling

Errors can occur during logging operations, such as file I/O errors or formatting errors. The log() method returns a Result<(), io::Error> that indicates the outcome of the logging operation. You should handle potential errors appropriately in your code.

use rlg::log::Log;
use rlg::log_format::LogFormat;
use rlg::log_level::LogLevel;

// Create a new log entry
let log_entry = Log::new(
    "This is a sample log message",
    &LogFormat::NDJSON, // Using NDJSON format for this example

// Log the entry asynchronously and handle potential errors
tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async {
    match log_entry.log().await {
        Ok(_) => println!("Log entry successfully written"),
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error logging entry: {}", err),


RustLogs (RLG) provides a set of useful macros to simplify logging tasks:

  • macro_log!: Creates a new log entry with specified parameters.
  • macro_info_log!: Creates an info log with default session ID and format.
  • macro_print_log!: Prints a log to stdout.
  • macro_log_to_file!: Asynchronously logs a message to a file.
  • macro_warn_log!: Creates a warning log.
  • macro_error_log!: Creates an error log with default format.
  • macro_set_log_format_clf!: Sets the log format to CLF if not already defined.
  • macro_debug_log!: Conditionally logs a message based on the debug_enabled feature flag.
  • macro_trace_log!: Creates a trace log.
  • macro_fatal_log!: Creates a fatal log.
  • macro_log_if!: Conditionally logs a message based on a predicate.
  • macro_log_with_metadata!: Logs a message with additional metadata.

Refer to the documentation for more details on how to use these macros.


RLG comes with a set of examples that you can use to get started. The examples are located in the examples directory of the project. To run the examples, clone the repository and run the following command in your terminal from the project root directory:

cargo run --example rlg

Semantic Versioning Policy

For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, RLG follows semantic versioning.


The project is licensed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


A special thank you goes to the Rust Reddit community for providing a lot of useful suggestions on how to improve this project.