Crate rlbot

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RLBot is a framework for creating offline Rocket League bots. This crate lets you write bots using a simple, safe interface that should feel comfortable to Rust developers.

Most types in this crate are exported directly from RLBot, so for anything not documented here, you’ll need to use RLBot’s docs as the authoritative reference.

There are two ways to use this crate:

  1. run_bot – This is the high-level interface. It plays a single match from start to finish. It expects the app to have been launched by the RLBot framework, and runs its own game loop under framework control.
  2. init – This is the low-level interface. You can use this to directly access the innards of RLBot for scripting, integration tests, or any other custom use-case.


This crate comes with a few examples to get you started.



A color that can be used to draw in a RenderGroup.
An iterator-like object that yields packets from the game as they occur.
An iterator-like object that yields physics ticks from the game as they occur.
The low-level interface to RLBot. All RLBot calls that are available can be made through this struct.
A render group in the process of being built.


A bot that can run within the RLBot framework. Instances of Bot are used by the run_bot function.


Initializes RLBot and returns a ready-to-use RLBot object.
Runs a bot under control of the RLBot framework.