rivia 0.2.6

Rust utilities to reduce code verbosity
//! Provides general extensions to common types like [`Option`], [`Result`] and [`Iterator`].
//! ### Using Rivia extensions
//! ```
//! use rivia::prelude::*;
//! ```
mod result;

mod defer;
mod iter;
mod option;
mod peekable;
mod string;

pub use defer::*;
pub use iter::*;
pub use option::*;
pub use peekable::*;
pub use result::*;
pub use string::*;

/// Expands to the current function's name similar to the venerable `file!` or `line!`
/// ### References
/// * <https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/1719>
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// use rivia::prelude::*;
/// fn my_func() -> &'static str {
///     function!()
/// }
/// assert_eq!(my_func(), "my_func");
/// ```
macro_rules! function {
    () => {{
        // Capture the function's type and passes it to `std::any::type_name` to get the
        // function's fully qualified name, which includes our target.
        // <https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/any/fn.type_name.html>
        fn _f() {}
        fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str

        // Capture the fully qualified name
        let fqn = type_of(_f);

        // Trim off the suffix i.e. ::_f
        let fqn = &fqn[..fqn.len() - 4];

        // Trim off the prefix if it exists
        match fqn.rfind(':') {
            Some(i) => &fqn[i + 1..],
            None => &fqn,

/// Expands to the current functions's fully qualified name
/// ### References
/// * <https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/1719>
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// use rivia::prelude::*;
/// fn my_func() -> &'static str {
///     function!()
/// }
/// assert_eq!(my_func(), "my_func");
/// ```
macro_rules! function_fqn {
    () => {{
        // Capture the function's type and passes it to `std::any::type_name` to get the
        // function's fully qualified name, which includes our target.
        // <https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/any/fn.type_name.html>
        fn _f() {}
        fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str

        // Capture the fully qualified name
        let fqn = type_of(_f);

        // Trim off the suffix i.e. ::_f
        let fqn = &fqn[..fqn.len() - 4];

/// Provides the ability to define `#[cfg]` statements for multiple items
/// ### Examples
/// ```ignore
/// use rivia::prelude::*;
/// cfgblk! {
///     #[cfg(feature = "foo")])
///     use libc;
///     use std::ffi::CString;
/// }
/// // Expands to
/// #[cfg(feature = "foo")])
/// use libc;
/// #[cfg(feature = "foo")])
/// use std::ffi::CString;
/// ```
macro_rules! cfgblock {

    // Handle a single item
    (#[$attr:meta] $item:item) => {
        #[$attr] $item

    // Handle more than one item recursively
    (#[$attr:meta] $($tail:item)*) => {
        $(cfgblock!{#[$attr] $tail})*

/// Ensure the given closure is executed once the surrounding scope closes
/// * Triggered despite panics
/// * Inspired by Golang's `defer`, Java's finally and Ruby's `ensure`
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// use rivia::prelude::*;
/// let vfs = Vfs::memfs();
/// let file = vfs.root().mash("file");
/// assert_vfs_mkfile!(vfs, &file);
/// // Create a scope that will trigger defer's destructor
/// {
///     defer!(vfs.remove(&file).unwrap());
/// }
/// assert_vfs_no_exists!(vfs, &file);
/// ```
macro_rules! defer {
    ($($tokens:tt)*) => {
        let _defer = defer(|| { $($tokens)* });

/// Return an iterator Err type conveniently
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// use rivia::prelude::*;
/// fn trying_func<T: AsRef<Path>>(vfs: Vfs, path: T) -> Option<RvResult<PathBuf>> {
///     Some(Ok(trying!(vfs.abs(path.as_ref()))))
/// }
/// let vfs = Vfs::memfs();
/// assert_eq!(trying_func(vfs, "").unwrap().unwrap_err().to_string(), "path empty");
/// ```
macro_rules! trying {
    ($e:expr) => {
        match $e {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(err) => return Some(Err(From::from(err))),

// Unit tests
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mod tests
    use crate::prelude::*;

    fn test_function_fqn_macro()
        fn indirect_fqn() -> &'static str
        assert_eq!(function_fqn!(), "rivia::core::tests::test_function_fqn_macro");
        assert_eq!(indirect_fqn(), "rivia::core::tests::test_function_fqn_macro::indirect_fqn");

    fn test_function_macro()
        fn indirect_func_name() -> &'static str
        assert_eq!(function!(), "test_function_macro");
        assert_eq!(indirect_func_name(), "indirect_func_name");

    fn test_trying_macro()
        fn trying_func<T: AsRef<Path>>(path: T) -> Option<RvResult<PathBuf>>
        assert_eq!(trying_func("").unwrap().unwrap_err().to_string(), "path empty");