risc0-build 0.11.0-rc.3

RISC Zero zero-knowledge VM build tool


Build RISC Zero zkVM guest code and provide handles to the host side

In order for the host to execute guest code in the RISC Zero zkVM, the host must be provided a compiled RISC-V ELF file and the corresponding MethodID. This crate contains the functions needed to take zkVM guest code, build a corresponding ELF file and MethodID, and make the MethodID and a path to the ELF file available for the host to use.

Using risc0-build to build guest methods

Using this crate can be a bit delicate, so we encourage you to follow along in our Risc Zero Rust Starter repository. In that repo, risc0-build is used in the methods directory.

Guest methods are embedded for the host to use by calling [embed_methods] (or [embed_methods_with_options]) in a build script. An example build.rs file would look like

fn main() {

This requires including risc0-build as a build dependency. You will also need add a [package.metadata.risc0] section to your cargo file. In this section, put a methods field with a list of relative paths containing the guest code. For example, if your guest code is in the guest directory, then Cargo.toml might include

risc0-build = "0.10"

methods = ["guest"]

This builds a file methods.rs in your cargo output directory which you must then include for the host to use. For example, you might make a file src/lib.rs containing

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/methods.rs"));

Inside the guest code directory (so guest in the above example), you must again create a build script, this time calling [link] to link the embedded methods into the generated methods.rs build file. An example build.rs file for this is

fn main() {

Since you are again using risc0-build as a build script, remember to include it as a build dependency here just like before:

risc0-build = "0.10"

Don't forget to write your guest code as well!

This process will generate a method ID (*_ID) and a path to an ELF file (*_PATH). The names will be derived from the name of the file containing the guest method, which will be converted to ALL_CAPS to comply with rust naming conventions. Thus, in the starter example, where the guest method is in multiply.rs, the method ID is named methods::MULTIPLY_ID and the path to the ELF file is named methods::MULTIPLY_PATH. These are included at the beginning of the host code: