ripb 0.3.1

A rust crate providing an implementation of a lock-free type-safe in-process bus.


A rust crate providing an implementation of a lock-free type-safe in-process bus.


  • In order delivery: messages published on the bus are received in the same order by a given subscriber. This is not guaranteed across multiple subscribers. IE if you send Messages m1 and m2 on a bus with subscribers s1 and s2, both s1 and s2 will receive the messages in the order m1, m2, but s1 may receive m2 before s2 has received m1.


Current implementation uses crossbeam-channels and a fixed number of threads. Any and TypeId are used to to be able to expose a type-safe api.


Apache 2.0/MIT

Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.