rio_turtle 0.2.0

RDF Turtle, Trig, N-Triples and N-Quads parsers

Implementation of N-Triples, N-Quads, Turtle and TriG parsers.

All the provided parsers work in streaming from a BufRead implementation. They do not rely on any dependencies outside of Rust standard library.

How to read a file foo.ttl and count the number of rdf:type triples:

use rio_turtle::TurtleParser;
use rio_api::parser::TripleParser;
use rio_api::model::NamedNode;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::fs::File;

let rdf_type = NamedNode { iri: "" };
let mut count = 0;
TurtleParser::new(BufReader::new(File::open("foo.ttl").unwrap()), "file:foo.ttl").unwrap().parse_all(&mut |t| {
println!("{}", t);
if t.predicate == rdf_type {
count += 1;

Replace TurtleParser by NTriplesParser, NQuadsParser or TriGParser to read a N-Triples, N-Quads or TriG file instead.

NTriplesParser and NQuadsParser do not use the second argument of the new function that is the IRI of the file.