ringbuffer 0.11.1

A fixed-size circular buffer
# Ringbuffer
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The ringbuffer crate provides safe fixed size circular buffers (ringbuffers) in rust.

Implementations for three kinds of ringbuffers, with a mostly similar API are provided:

| type | description |
| --- | --- |
| `AllocRingBuffer` | Ringbuffer allocated on the heap at runtime. This ringbuffer is still fixed size and requires alloc. |
| `ConstGenericRingBuffer` | Ringbuffer which uses const generics to allocate on the stack. |

All of these ringbuffers also implement the RingBuffer trait for their shared API surface.

MSRV: Rust 1.59

# Usage

use ringbuffer::{AllocRingBuffer, RingBuffer};
fn main() {
    let mut buffer = AllocRingBuffer::with_capacity(2);

    // First entry of the buffer is now 5.

    // The last item we pushed is 5
    assert_eq!(buffer.get(-1), Some(&5));

    // Second entry is now 42.
    assert_eq!(buffer.peek(), Some(&5));

    // Because capacity is reached the next push will be the first item of the buffer.
    assert_eq!(buffer.to_vec(), vec![42, 1]);


# Features

| name | default | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| alloc | ✓ | Disable this feature to remove the dependency on alloc. The feature is compatible with `no_std`. |

# License

Licensed under MIT License