ringbahn 0.0.0-experimental.3

an experimental safe API for io-uring
use std::io;
use std::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
use std::ptr;
use std::task::Waker;

use parking_lot::Mutex;

use crate::Cancellation;

use State::*;

/// A completion tracks an event that has been submitted to io-uring. It is a pointer to a heap
/// allocated object which represents the state of the event's completion. Ownership of this object
/// is shared between the Completion type and the io-uring instance (the address of the object is
/// passed as a user_data field with the event's SQE).
/// Therefore, it requires a fair amout of unsafe code and synchronization to properly manage the
/// lifecycle of this object. That code is encapsulated here inside a safe API for the rest of
/// ringbahn to use.
/// This API is not publicly visible outside of this crate. (The Completion type in the public API
/// is an opaque wrapper aroud this type). End users do not need to understand the completion API.
pub struct Completion {
    state: ManuallyDrop<Box<Mutex<State>>>,

enum State {

impl Completion {
    /// Create a new completion for an event being prepared. When the event is completed by
    /// io-uring, the waker this completion holds will be awoken.
    pub fn new(waker: Waker) -> Completion {
        Completion {
            state: ManuallyDrop::new(Box::new(Mutex::new(Submitted(waker)))),

    /// Get the address of this completion, so that it can set as the user_data field of the SQE
    /// being prepared.
    pub fn addr(&self) -> u64 {
        &**self.state as *const Mutex<State> as usize as u64

    /// Check if the completion has completed. If it has, the result of the completion will be
    /// returned and the completion will be deallocated. If it has not been completed, the waker
    /// field will be updated to the new waker if the old waker would not wake the same task.
    pub fn check(self, waker: &Waker) -> Result<io::Result<usize>, Completion> {
        let mut state = self.state.lock();
        match mem::replace(&mut *state, State::Empty) {
            Submitted(old_waker)    => {
                let waker = if old_waker.will_wake(waker) { old_waker } else { waker.clone() };
                *state = Submitted(waker);
            Completed(result)       => {
            _                       => unreachable!()

    /// Cancel interest in this completion. The Cancellation callback will be stored to clean up
    /// resources shared with the kernel when the event completes.
    pub fn cancel(self, callback: Cancellation) {
        let mut state = self.state.lock();
        match &*state {
            Submitted(_)    => {
                *state = Cancelled(callback);
            Completed(_)    => {
            _               => unreachable!()

/// Complete an `[iou::CompletionQueueEvent]` which was constructed from a [`Completion`].
/// This function should be used in combination with a driver that implements [`Drive`] to process
/// events on an io-uring instance. This function takes a CQE and processes it.
/// ## Safety
/// This function is only valid if the user_data in the CQE is null, the liburing timeout
/// signifier, or a pointer to a Completion constructed using ringbahn. If you have scheduled any
/// events on the io-uring instance using a library other than ringbahn, this method is not safe to
/// call unless you have filtered those events out in some manner.
pub unsafe fn complete(cqe: iou::CompletionQueueEvent) {
    if cqe.is_timeout() { return; }

    let result = cqe.result();
    let completion = cqe.user_data() as *mut Mutex<State>;

    if completion != ptr::null_mut() {
        let state: &Mutex<State> = &*completion;
        let mut state = state.lock();
        match mem::replace(&mut *state, State::Empty) {
            Submitted(waker)    => {
                *state = Completed(result);
            Cancelled(callback) => {
            _                   => unreachable!()