[][src]Crate ring_channel

Bounded MPMC channel abstraction on top of a ring buffer.


This crate provides a flavor of message passing that favors throughput over lossless communication. Under the hood, ring_channel is just a thin abstraction layer on top of a multi-producer multi-consumer lock-free ring-buffer. Sending nor receiving messages never blocks, however messages can be lost if the internal buffer overflows, as incoming messages gradually overwrite older pending messages. This behavior is ideal for use-cases in which the consuming threads only care about the most up-to-date message and applying back pressure to producer threads is not desirable.

  • One example is a rendering GUI thread that runs at a fixed rate of frames per second and which receives the current state of the application through the channel for display.

  • Another example is video streamer that sends frames across threads for display. If the consuming thread experiences lag, the producing threads are at risk of overflowing the communication buffer. Rather than panicking, it's often acceptable to skip frames without noticeable impact to the user experience.

Hello, world!

use ring_channel::*;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;

// Open the channel.
let (mut tx, mut rx) = ring_channel(NonZeroUsize::new(1).unwrap());

// Send a message through the inbound endpoint.
tx.send("Hello, world!").unwrap();

// Receive the message through the outbound endpoint.
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), Ok("Hello, world!"));

Communicating across threads

Endpoints are just handles that may be cloned and sent to other threads. They come in two flavors that allow sending and receiving messages through the channel, respectively RingSender and RingReceiver. Cloning an endpoint produces a new handle of the same kind associated with the same channel. The channel lives as long as there is an endpoint associated with it.

use ring_channel::*;
use std::{num::NonZeroUsize, thread};

// Open the channel.
let (mut tx1, mut rx1) = ring_channel(NonZeroUsize::new(1).unwrap());

let mut tx2 = tx1.clone();
let mut rx2 = rx1.clone();

// Spawn a thread that echoes any message it receives.
thread::spawn(move || {
    if let Ok(msg) = rx2.recv() {

tx1.send("Hello, world!").unwrap();

if let Ok(msg) = rx1.recv() {
    // Depending on which thread goes first,
    // we might have received the direct message or the echo.
    assert_eq!(msg, "Hello, world!");


When all endpoints of one type get dropped, the channel becomes disconnected. Attempting to send an message through a disconnected channel returns an error. Receiving messages through a disconnected channel succeeds as long as there are pending messages and an error is returned once all of them have been received.

use ring_channel::*;
use std::{num::NonZeroUsize, thread};

let (mut tx1, mut rx) = ring_channel(NonZeroUsize::new(3).unwrap());

let mut tx2 = tx1.clone();
let mut tx3 = tx2.clone();


// All senders are dropped, so the channel becomes disconnected.
drop((tx1, tx2, tx3));

// Pending messages can still be received.
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), Ok(1));
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), Ok(2));
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), Ok(3));

// Finally, the channel reports itself as disconnected.
assert_eq!(rx.recv(), Err(RecvError::Disconnected));

Experimental Features

The following cargo feature flags are available:

  • futures_api (depends on nightly Rust)

    Provides experimental implementations of Sink for RingSender and Stream for RingReceiver based on futures-rs.

    #![cfg(feature = "futures_api")]
    use ring_channel::*;
    use futures::{executor::*, prelude::*, stream};
    use std::{num::NonZeroUsize, thread};
    // Open the channel.
    let (mut tx, mut rx) = ring_channel(NonZeroUsize::new(13).unwrap());
    let message = &['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!'];
    thread::spawn(move || {
        // Send the stream of characters through the Sink.
        block_on(tx.send_all(&mut stream::iter(message).map(Ok))).unwrap();
    // Receive the stream of characters through the outbound endpoint.
    assert_eq!(&block_on_stream(rx).collect::<String>(), "Hello, world!");



The receiving end of a ring_channel.


The sending end of a ring_channel.



An error that may be returned by RingReceiver::recv.


An error that may be returned by RingSender::send.


An error that may be returned by RingReceiver::try_recv.



Opens a multi-producer multi-consumer channel backed by a ring buffer.