rillrate 0.24.0

Dynamic logging and tracing system

rillrate Released API docs

Dynamic tracing system that tends to be real-time.

The original Rust version of the library.

How to use

Add it you your Cargo.toml:

cargo add -s rillrate

Create an instance of RillRate tracer and install it providing the name of your app:

use anyhow::Error;
use rillrate::RillRate;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let _rillrate = RillRate::install("my-app");
    // Start your app routines here

Add to your functions and modules all necessary metrics:

use rillrate::{Counter, Gauge, Logger};

fn my_routine() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let couter = Counter::new("my-counter");
    let gauge = Gauge::new("my-gauge");
    let logger = Logger::new("my-logger");

    // Usage in your code;
    logger.log("my event");

Start your app and try to connect to http://localhost:9090.