riker 0.2.4

Easily build fast, highly concurrent and resilient applications. An Actor Framework for Rust.
debug = true


# max level to log

level = "debug"

# Uncomment this to enable filters on the logger.  The {module} field

# of every log line will be checked, and if the {module} field contains

# any item in this list, the entire log line will be omitted from the

# logging output.


# This example will omit any logging output from any module with

# "test" in the name, and any module whose name contains "debug".


# filter = [ "test", "debug" ]

# log format to use

# correlates to format!(log_format, date=, time=, level=, module=, body=);

# since named parameters are used the order of the fields is flexible

# the formatting of each field can be changed also

# e.g. to completely hide a field: {module:.0}

# See: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/#syntax

# {date}    the calendar day

# {time}    the calendar time

# {level}   the level for the entry

# {module}  the module path originating the entry

# {body}    the message body

log_format = "{date} {time} {level} [{module}] {body}"

date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"

time_format = "%H:%M:%S%:z"


# maximum number of messages to process in each execution of mailbox

# the mailbox will be rescheduled if there are any remaining messages 

msg_process_limit = 1000


# number of threads available to the CPU pool

pool_size = 4


frequency_millis = 50


# number of seconds of inactivity after which a cqrs actor will sleep

sleep_after_secs = 120