riak 0.3.3

A Riak client for Rust.


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A Riak client for Rust.

Full documentation available on docs.rs.


This client allows you to connect to the Protocol Buffers API of a Riak Node and use the functionality provided to send data, retrieve data, and otherwise communicate with Riak.

This client communicates directly with the Protocol Buffer API on a specified Riak node, and does not provide any abstractions around a cluster of nodes (something TODO in a different crate later).


This client is tested against Rust's stable, beta, and nightly branches. It should work with any modern Rust.

You'll of course have to provide your own Riak nodes. If you don't already have some check this documentation to get you started using Riak.



Storing an object:

use riak::Client;
use riak::object::{ObjectContent, StoreObjectReq};

// connect to Riak and ping the server
let mut riak = Client::new("").unwrap();

// prepare the object contents
let contents = ObjectContent::new("This is test data!".as_bytes());

// build a request to store the object
let mut store_request = StoreObjectReq::new("testbucket", contents);

// store the object