rhdxmr-publish-test2 0.1.0

rhdxmr's publish test crate
// Copyright 2019-2020 Authors of Red Sift
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

Types and traits for working with networking data.

The main trait exported by this module is `NetworkBuffer`. It's implemented by
[`XdpContext`](../../redbpf_probes/xdp/struct.XdpContext.html) to provide
access to the network data.
use crate::bindings::*;
use core::mem;
use core::slice;
use cty::*;
use redbpf_macros::impl_network_buffer_array;

/// The packet transport header.
/// Currently only `TCP` and `UDP` transports are supported.
pub enum Transport {
    TCP(*const tcphdr),
    UDP(*const udphdr),

impl Transport {
    /// Returns the source port.
    pub fn source(&self) -> u16 {
        let source = match *self {
            Transport::TCP(hdr) => unsafe { (*hdr).source },
            Transport::UDP(hdr) => unsafe { (*hdr).source },

    /// Returns the destination port.
    pub fn dest(&self) -> u16 {
        let dest = match *self {
            Transport::TCP(hdr) => unsafe { (*hdr).dest },
            Transport::UDP(hdr) => unsafe { (*hdr).dest },

pub enum NetworkError {

pub type NetworkResult<T> = Result<T, NetworkError>;

pub trait NetworkBuffer
    Self: Clone + Sized,
    fn data_start(&self) -> usize;
    fn data_end(&self) -> usize;

    /// Returns the packet length.
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        self.data_end() - self.data_start()

    /// Returns a raw pointer to a given address inside the buffer.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method uses `NetworkBuffer::check_bounds` to ensure the given address
    /// `addr` is within the buffer and allows enough following space to point
    /// to something of type `U`. However no checks are done to ensure the
    /// returned pointer points to a valid bit pattern of type `U`, nor are any
    /// alignments checked. Ensuring proper alignment is followed and pointed to
    /// address is a valid bit pattern of type `U` is left up to the caller.
    unsafe fn ptr_at<U>(&self, addr: usize) -> NetworkResult<*const U> {
        self.check_bounds(addr, addr + mem::size_of::<U>())?;

        Ok(addr as *const U)
    /// Returns a raw pointer to the address following `prev` plus the size of a `T`
    /// # Safety
    /// This method uses `NetworkBuffer::check_bounds` to ensure the given address
    /// `addr` is within the buffer and allows enough following space to point
    /// to something of type `U`. However no checks are done to ensure the
    /// returned pointer points to a valid bit pattern of type `U`, nor are any
    /// alignments checked. Ensuring proper alignment is followed and pointed to
    /// address is a valid bit pattern of type `U` is left up to the caller.
    unsafe fn ptr_after<T, U>(&self, prev: *const T) -> NetworkResult<*const U> {
        self.ptr_at(prev as usize + mem::size_of::<T>())

    fn check_bounds(&self, start: usize, end: usize) -> NetworkResult<()> {
        if start >= end {
            return Err(NetworkError::OutOfBounds);

        if start < self.data_start() as usize {
            return Err(NetworkError::OutOfBounds);

        if end > self.data_end() as usize {
            return Err(NetworkError::OutOfBounds);


    /// Returns the packet's `Ethernet` header if present.
    fn eth(&self) -> NetworkResult<*const ethhdr> {
        unsafe { self.ptr_at(self.data_start() as usize) }

    /// Returns the packet's `IP` header if present.
    fn ip(&self) -> NetworkResult<*const iphdr> {
        let eth = self.eth()?;
        unsafe {
            if (*eth).h_proto != u16::from_be(ETH_P_IP as u16) {
                return Err(NetworkError::NoIPHeader);


    /// Returns the packet's transport header if present.
    fn transport(&self) -> NetworkResult<Transport> {
        unsafe {
            let ip = self.ip()?;
            let addr = ip as usize + ((*ip).ihl() * 4) as usize;
            let transport = match (*ip).protocol as u32 {
                IPPROTO_TCP => (Transport::TCP(self.ptr_at(addr)?)),
                IPPROTO_UDP => (Transport::UDP(self.ptr_at(addr)?)),
                t => return Err(NetworkError::UnsupportedTransport(t)),


    /// Returns the packet's data starting after the transport headers.
    fn data(&self) -> NetworkResult<Data<Self>> {
        use Transport::*;
        unsafe {
            let base: *const c_void = match self.transport()? {
                TCP(hdr) => {
                    let addr = hdr as usize + ((*hdr).doff() * 4) as usize;
                UDP(hdr) => self.ptr_after(hdr),

            let ctx: Self = self.clone();
            Ok(Data {
                base: base as usize,

/// Data type returned by calling `NetworkBuffer::data()`
pub struct Data<T: NetworkBuffer> {
    ctx: T,
    base: usize,

impl<T: NetworkBuffer> Data<T> {
    /// Returns the offset from the first byte of the packet.
    pub fn offset(&self) -> usize {
        self.base - self.ctx.data_start()

    /// Returns the length of the data.
    /// This is equivalent to the length of the packet minus the length of the headers.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        self.ctx.data_end() - self.base

    /// Returns a `slice` of `len` bytes from the data.
    pub fn slice(&self, len: usize) -> NetworkResult<&[u8]> {
        unsafe {
            self.ctx.check_bounds(self.base, self.base + len)?;
            let s = slice::from_raw_parts(self.base as *const u8, len);

    pub fn read<U: NetworkBufferArray>(&self) -> NetworkResult<U> {
        unsafe {
            let len = mem::size_of::<U>();
            self.ctx.check_bounds(self.base, self.base + len)?;
            Ok((self.base as *const U).read_unaligned())

pub trait NetworkBufferArray {}