rhai 0.15.0

Embedded scripting for Rust
use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};

fn test_print() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    let logbook = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::<String>::new()));

    // Redirect print/debug output to 'log'
    let log = logbook.clone();
    engine.on_print(move |s| log.write().unwrap().push(format!("entry: {}", s)));

    let log = logbook.clone();
    engine.on_debug(move |s| log.write().unwrap().push(format!("DEBUG: {}", s)));

    // Evaluate script
    engine.eval::<()>("print(40 + 2)")?;

    // 'logbook' captures all the 'print' and 'debug' output
    assert_eq!(logbook.read().unwrap().len(), 2);
    assert_eq!(logbook.read().unwrap()[0], "entry: 42");
    assert_eq!(logbook.read().unwrap()[1], r#"DEBUG: "hello!""#);

    for entry in logbook.read().unwrap().iter() {
        println!("{}", entry);
