rhai-rand 0.1.0

Random number package for Rhai
`rhai-rand` - Package to Generate Random Numbers


[![Rhai logo](https://rhai.rs/book/images/logo/rhai-banner-transparent-colour.svg)](https://rhai.rs)

`rhai-rand` is a [Rhai] package to provide random numbers generation using the [`rand`] crate.

[Rhai] is an embedded scripting language and evaluation engine for Rust that gives a safe and easy way
to add scripting to any application.


### `Cargo.toml`

rhai-rand = "0.1"

### [Rhai] script

// Create random boolean
let decision = rand_bool();

if decision {
    // Create random number
    let random_value = rand();
    print(`Random number = ${random_value}`);
} else {
    print("Fixed number = 42");

// Create array
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Shuffle it!

// Now the array is shuffled randomly!

// Sample a random value from the array

// Or sample multiple values

### Rust source

// packages::Package implements `as_shared_module`
// which we need to register the RandomPackage
use rhai::{Engine, packages::Package};
use rhai_rand::RandomPackage;

// Create Rhai scripting engine
let mut engine = Engine::new();

// Create random number package and add the package into the engine

// Print 10 random numbers, each of which between 0-99!
for _ in 0..10 {
    let value = engine.eval::<INT>("(rand() % 100).abs()")?;

    println!("Random number = {}", value);


| Feature | Description                                     |
| :-----: | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `float` | enables random floating-point number generation |
| `array` | enables methods for [Rhai] arrays               |


The following functions are defined in this package:

|      Function      | Return value | Feature | Description                                                            |
| :----------------: | :----------: | :-----: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|      `rand()`      |    `INT`     |         | generates a random number                                              |
|   `rand_float()`   |   `FLOAT`    | `float` | generates a random floating-point number between `0.0` and `1.0`       |
|   `rand_bool()`    |    `bool`    |         | generates a random boolean                                             |
| `Array.shuffle()`  |              | `array` | shuffles the items in the [Rhai] array                                 |
|  `Array.sample()`  |  `Dynamic`   | `array` | copies a random element from the [Rhai] array                          |
|  `Array.sample(n)` |   `Array`    | `array` | copies a non-repeating random sample of elements from the [Rhai] array |

[Rhai]: https://rhai.rs
[`rand`]: https://crates.io/crates/rand