Macro rgraph::create_node [] [src]

macro_rules! create_node {
    ( $name:ident
      ( $( $in:ident : $it:ty ),* ) ->
      ( $( $out:ident : $ot:ty ),* ) $( $body:stmt )+ ) => { ... };
    ( $name:expr,
      ( $( $in:ident : $it:ty ),* ) ->
      ( $( $out:ident : $ot:ty ),* ) $( $body:stmt )+ ) => { ... };

Macro to generate a Node (Task). It requires: a name (as used in the solver to execute it), a set of inputs, a set of outputs, and a set of statements which are the body of the task

this macro offers to interfaces: name as str: create_node!( "name", (...) -> (...) { ... }) name as identifier: create_node!( name (...) -> (...) { ... })