rgb 0.5.2

struct RGB for sharing pixels between crates
# `struct RGB` for [Rust]https://www.rust-lang.org

Rust is strongly typed and *your* RGB pixel is not compatible with *my* RGB pixel.

So let's all use mine :P

extern crate rgb;

let px = RGB{r:255_u8, g:0, b:100};
assert_eq!(px.as_bytes()[0], 255);

let px = RGB8::new(255, 0, 255);
let inverted = px.map(|ch| 255 - ch);

println!("{}", inverted); // rgb(0,255,0)

[![xkcd standards](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.png)](https://xkcd.com/927/)


## About colorspaces

This crate is intentionally ignorant about flavors of RGB color spaces. *Correct* color management is a complex problem, and this crate aims to be the lowest common denominator.