rg-chess 0.2.4

Chess Game with graphical interface.
//! Describe the board and interaction with it.

use std::fmt;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::str::FromStr;

use crate::*;

/// A representation of a chess board that implement FEN notation ([`Board::from_str`]).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use chess::{Square, Board, Color, Piece, ChessMove};
/// let mut board = Board::default();
/// // 8 | r n b q k b n r
/// // 7 | p p p p p p p p
/// // 6 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 5 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 4 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 3 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 2 | P P P P P P P P
/// // 1 | R N B Q K B N R
/// //   +----------------
/// //     A B C D E F G H
/// assert_eq!(board.on(Square::E8), Some((Piece::King, Color::Black)));
/// // White move the pawn from E2 to E4
/// let m = ChessMove::new(Square::E2, Square::E4);
/// board.update(m);
/// // 8 | r n b q k b n r
/// // 7 | p p p p p p p p
/// // 6 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 5 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 4 | . . . . P . . .
/// // 3 | . . . . . . . .
/// // 2 | P P P P . P P P
/// // 1 | R N B Q K B N R
/// //   +----------------
/// //     A B C D E F G H
/// assert_eq!(board.on(Square::E4), Some((Piece::Pawn, Color::White)));
/// assert_eq!(board.side_to_move(), Color::Black);
/// ```
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Board {
    squares: [Option<(Piece, Color)>; NUM_SQUARES],
    side_to_move: Color,
    castle_rights: [CastleRights; NUM_COLORS],
    en_passant: Option<Square>,
    halfmoves: u64,
    fullmoves: u64,

impl Board {
    /// Create a new empty board.
    /// Consider using the [`Default`] trait to initialize the board.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Board {
            squares: [None; NUM_SQUARES],
            side_to_move: Color::White,
            castle_rights: [CastleRights::NoRights; NUM_COLORS],
            en_passant: None,
            halfmoves: 0,
            fullmoves: 1,

    /// Get the [`Color`] of the player who has to play.
    pub fn side_to_move(&self) -> Color {

    /// Get the [`CastleRights`] for a given side.
    pub fn castle_rights(&self, color: Color) -> CastleRights {

    /// Get the [`Square`] (if exist) of the En Passant.
    pub fn en_passant(&self) -> Option<Square> {

    /// Get the halfmoves number.
    pub fn halfmoves(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Get the fullmoves number.
    pub fn fullmoves(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Get the [`GameState`] of the [`Board`].
    pub fn state(&self) -> GameState {
        let mut state = GameState::Ongoing;
        if !self.has_any_move() {
            state = GameState::Stalemate;
            if self.is_check() {
                state = GameState::Checkmates(self.side_to_move);

    /// Check if the [`ChessMove`] is valid. Legality is not verified.
    pub fn is_valid(&self, m: ChessMove) -> bool {
        let mut is_valid = false;
        if let Some(side) = self.color_on(m.from) {
            if side == self.side_to_move {
                if self.get_valid_moves(m.from).contains(&m.to) {
                    is_valid = true;

    /// Check if the [`ChessMove`] is legal.
    pub fn is_legal(&self, m: ChessMove) -> bool {
        let mut is_legal = false;
        if let Some(side) = self.color_on(m.from) {
            if side == self.side_to_move {
                if self.get_legal_moves(m.from).contains(&m.to) {
                    is_legal = true;

    /// Update the chessboard according to the chess rules.
    /// Assume that the [`ChessMove`] is legal.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// let m = ChessMove::new(Square::E2, Square::E4);
    /// board.update(m);
    /// ```
    pub fn update(&mut self, m: ChessMove) {
        let piece_from = self.piece_on(m.from).unwrap();
        let side = self.side_to_move;
        let mut new_en_passant = false;
        let reset_halfmove = self.piece_on_is(m.from, Piece::Pawn) || self.is_occupied(m.to);

        match piece_from {
            // Pawn: En Passant, promotion
            Piece::Pawn => {
                self[m.from] = None;
                self[m.to] = Some((Piece::Pawn, side));
                // if En Passant: capture the pawn
                if self.en_passant == Some(m.to) {
                    match side {
                        Color::White => self[m.to.down()] = None,
                        Color::Black => self[m.to.up()] = None,
                // Set self.en_passant
                if m.distance() == 2 {
                    if self.on_is(m.to.left(), (Piece::Pawn, !side))
                        || self.on_is(m.to.right(), (Piece::Pawn, !side))
                        self.en_passant = Some(m.to.backward(side));
                        new_en_passant = true;
                } else {
                    self.en_passant = None;

                // Promotion
                if m.to.rank_for(side) == Rank::Eighth {
                    self[m.to] = Some((Piece::Queen, side));
            // King: Castle
            Piece::King => {
                if m.from.distance(m.to) == 2 {
                    if self.castle_rights(side).has_kingside() && m.from.file() < m.to.file() {
                        // if is a Castle - Kingside
                        self[m.from] = None;
                        self[m.to] = Some((Piece::King, side));
                        self[m.to.right()] = None;
                        self[m.to.left()] = Some((Piece::Rook, side));
                    } else if self.castle_rights(side).has_queenside()
                        && m.to.file() < m.from.file()
                        // if is a Castle - Queenside
                        self[m.from] = None;
                        self[m.to] = Some((Piece::King, side));
                        self[m.to.left().left()] = None;
                        self[m.to.right()] = Some((Piece::Rook, side));
                    } else {
                        panic!("Error::InvalidMove: Board: {}, invalid_move: {}", self, m);
                } else {
                    // normal move
                    self[m.from] = None;
                    self[m.to] = Some((Piece::King, side));

                // If the king move he lost both CastleRights
                self.remove_castle_rights(side, CastleRights::Both);
            // Rook: Castle
            Piece::Rook => {
                // remove CastleRights
                match m.from {
                    Square::A1 | Square::A8 => {
                        self.remove_castle_rights(side, CastleRights::QueenSide)
                    Square::H1 | Square::H8 => {
                        self.remove_castle_rights(side, CastleRights::KingSide)
                    _ => {}
                self[m.from] = None;
                self[m.to] = Some((Piece::Rook, side));
            _ => {
                self[m.from] = None;
                self[m.to] = Some((piece_from, side));

        self.side_to_move = !self.side_to_move;
        if !new_en_passant {
            self.en_passant = None;
        self.halfmoves += 1;
        if reset_halfmove {
            self.halfmoves = 0;
        if self.side_to_move == Color::White {
            self.fullmoves += 1;

    /// Remove [`CastleRights`] for a particular side.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, CastleRights, Color};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::Both);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::Both);
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::QueenSide);
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::Both);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::NoRights);
    /// ```
    pub fn remove_castle_rights(&mut self, color: Color, remove: CastleRights) {
        let index = self.castle_rights(color).to_index() & !remove.to_index();
        self.castle_rights[color.to_index()] = CastleRights::from_index(index);

    /// Get the [`Piece`] at a given [`Square`].
    pub fn piece_on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Piece> {
        self.squares[square.to_index()].map(|(piece, _)| piece)

    /// Verify if the [`Square`] is occupied by the given [`Piece`].
    pub fn piece_on_is(&self, square: Square, piece: Piece) -> bool {
        matches!(self.piece_on(square), Some(real_piece) if real_piece == piece)

    /// Get the [`Color`] at a given [`Square`].
    pub fn color_on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Color> {
        self.squares[square.to_index()].map(|(_, color)| color)

    /// Verify if the [`Square`] is occupied by the given [`Color`].
    pub fn color_on_is(&self, square: Square, color: Color) -> bool {
        matches!(self.color_on(square), Some(real_color) if real_color == color)

    /// Get the [`Color`] at a given [`Square`].
    pub fn on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<(Piece, Color)> {
        self.squares[square.to_index()].map(|(piece, color)| (piece, color))

    /// Verify if the [`Square`] is occupied by the given [`Piece`] and [`Color`].
    pub fn on_is(&self, square: Square, (piece, color): (Piece, Color)) -> bool {
        matches!(self.on(square), Some((real_piece, real_color)) if real_color == color && real_piece == piece)

    /// Verify if the given [`Square`] is pinned for the current side.
    /// This implementation returns true only if the [`Piece`] has more than one valid move,
    /// if not or if the [`Square`] is empty, then it returns false.
    pub fn is_pinned(&self, square: Square) -> bool {
        if self.color_on(square) == Some(self.side_to_move) {
        } else {

    /// Get the piece pinned for the current side.
    pub fn pinned(&self) -> Vec<Square> {
        let mut pinned = Vec::new();
        for square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if self.is_pinned(square) {

    /// Get the [`Square`] of the [`Piece::King`] of the given [`Color`].
    pub fn king_of(&self, color: Color) -> Square {
        for square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if self.on_is(square, (Piece::King, color)) {
                return square;
        panic!("King square of {color:?} not found")

    /// Verify if the [`Square`] is empty (i.e. not occupied).
    pub fn is_empty(&self, square: Square) -> bool {

    /// Verify if the [`Square`] is occupied.
    pub fn is_occupied(&self, square: Square) -> bool {

    /// Verify if the [`Piece::King`] is in check.
    pub fn is_check(&self) -> bool {
        let king_square = self.king_of(self.side_to_move);
        let enemy_color = !self.side_to_move;
        self.is_targeted(king_square, enemy_color)

    /// Verify if a move expose the king (used for legality).
    /// FIXME: A player should move if the only threat can be killed
    fn is_exposing_move(&self, m: ChessMove) -> bool {
        let mut next_board = *self;
        let side = self.side_to_move;
        let enemy_side = !side;
        if next_board.is_targeted(next_board.king_of(side), enemy_side) {
            return true;

    /// Verify if a [`Square`] can be taken by the given [`Color`] in the current [`Board`].
    /// > **Reciprocal**: see [`Board::is_not_targeted`].
    pub fn is_targeted(&self, target: Square, attacker: Color) -> bool {
        let mut is_targeted = false;
        for from_square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if self.color_on_is(from_square, attacker) {
                if self.get_valid_moves(from_square).contains(&target) {
                    is_targeted = true;

    /// Verify if a [`Square`] cannot be taken by the given [`Color`] in the current [`Board`].
    /// > **Reciprocal**: see [`Board::is_targeted`].
    pub fn is_not_targeted(&self, target: Square, attacker: Color) -> bool {
        !self.is_targeted(target, attacker)

    /// Verify if the [`Piece`] on the [`Square`] has one or more valid moves.
    /// If no [`Piece`] exist on the [`Square`], then return false.
    /// > **Note**: The legality is not verify, if you want to: use [`has_legal_move`][Board::has_legal_move].
    pub fn has_valid_move(&self, square: Square) -> bool {

    /// Verify if the [`Piece`] on the [`Square`] has one or more legal moves.
    /// If no [`Piece`] exist on the [`Square`], then return false.
    pub fn has_legal_move(&self, square: Square) -> bool {

    /// Verify if the player has one or more legal moves in all the [`Board`].
    /// If no [`Piece`] exist on the [`Square`], then return false.
    pub fn has_any_move(&self) -> bool {
        for from_square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if self.color_on_is(from_square, self.side_to_move) {
                if self.has_legal_move(from_square) {
                    return true;

    /// Compute and return all the valid moves for a [`Piece`] (if exist) at a given [`Square`].
    /// If no [`Piece`] exist on the [`Square`], then return an empty [`Vec`].
    /// > **Note**: The legality is not verify, if you want to: use [`get_legal_moves`][Board::get_legal_moves].
    pub fn get_valid_moves(&self, from: Square) -> Vec<Square> {
        let mut valid_moves = Vec::new();
        if let Some((piece_from, side)) = self.on(from) {
            let mut dest_square;
            match piece_from {
                Piece::Pawn => {
                    // If square forward is is empty
                    dest_square = from.forward(side);
                    if self.is_empty(dest_square) {

                        // First move of the pawn
                        dest_square = dest_square.forward(side);
                        if from.rank_for(side) == Rank::Second && self.is_empty(dest_square) {

                    // If can capture (normal or en passant)
                    if from.file_for(side) == File::A {
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).right();
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant
                    } else if from.file_for(side) == File::H {
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).left();
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant
                    } else {
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).right();
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).left();
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant
                Piece::Knight => {
                    let _knight_moves = vec![
                    let mut knight_moves = Vec::new();
                    // filter
                    for dest_square in _knight_moves {
                        if from.distance(dest_square) == 2 {
                    // Verify legality
                    for dest_square in knight_moves {
                        if !self.color_on_is(dest_square, side) {
                Piece::Bishop => {
                    for direction in ALL_DIAGONAL {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        let mut old_square = from;
                        dest_square = old_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        while self.is_empty(dest_square) && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1 {
                            old_square = dest_square;
                            dest_square = dest_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1
                Piece::Rook => {
                    for direction in ALL_LINE {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        let mut old_square = from;
                        dest_square = old_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        while self.is_empty(dest_square) && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1 {
                            old_square = dest_square;
                            dest_square = dest_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1
                Piece::Queen => {
                    for direction in ALL_DIRECTION {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        let mut old_square = from;
                        dest_square = old_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        while self.is_empty(dest_square) && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1 {
                            old_square = dest_square;
                            dest_square = dest_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1
                Piece::King => {
                    for direction in ALL_DIRECTION {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        dest_square = from.follow_direction(direction);
                        if !self.color_on_is(dest_square, side) {

    /// Compute and return all the legal moves for a [`Piece`] (if exist) at a given [`Square`].
    /// If no [`Piece`] exist on the [`Square`], then return an empty [`Vec`].
    pub fn get_legal_moves(&self, from: Square) -> Vec<Square> {
        let mut valid_moves = Vec::new();
        if let Some((piece_from, side)) = self.on(from) {
            let mut dest_square;
            match piece_from {
                Piece::Pawn => {
                    // If square forward is is empty
                    dest_square = from.forward(side);
                    if self.is_empty(dest_square) {
                        if !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square)) {

                        // First move of the pawn
                        dest_square = dest_square.forward(side);
                        if from.rank_for(side) == Rank::Second
                            && self.is_empty(dest_square)
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))

                    // If can capture (normal or en passant)
                    if from.file_for(side) == File::A {
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).right();
                        if (self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant)
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                    } else if from.file_for(side) == File::H {
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).left();
                        if (self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant)
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                    } else {
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).right();
                        if (self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant)
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                        dest_square = from.forward(side).left();
                        if (self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            || Some(dest_square) == self.en_passant)
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                Piece::Knight => {
                    let knight_moves_rule = vec![

                    for square in knight_moves_rule {
                        if from.distance(square) == 2 && !self.color_on_is(square, side) {
                            if !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, square)) {
                Piece::Bishop => {
                    for direction in ALL_DIAGONAL {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        let mut old_square = from;
                        dest_square = old_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        while self.is_empty(dest_square) && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1 {
                            if !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square)) {
                            old_square = dest_square;
                            dest_square = dest_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                Piece::Rook => {
                    for direction in ALL_LINE {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        let mut old_square = from;
                        dest_square = old_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        while self.is_empty(dest_square) && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1 {
                            if !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square)) {
                            old_square = dest_square;
                            dest_square = dest_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                Piece::Queen => {
                    for direction in ALL_DIRECTION {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        let mut old_square = from;
                        dest_square = old_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        while self.is_empty(dest_square) && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1 {
                            if !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square)) {
                            old_square = dest_square;
                            dest_square = dest_square.follow_direction(direction);
                        if self.color_on_is(dest_square, !side)
                            && old_square.distance(dest_square) == 1
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                Piece::King => {
                    for direction in ALL_DIRECTION {
                        match from.rank() {
                            Rank::First if direction.has(Direction::Down) => continue,
                            Rank::Eighth if direction.has(Direction::Up) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        match from.file() {
                            File::A if direction.has(Direction::Left) => continue,
                            File::H if direction.has(Direction::Right) => continue,
                            _ => {}
                        dest_square = from.follow_direction(direction);
                        if !self.color_on_is(dest_square, side)
                            && !self.is_exposing_move(ChessMove::new(from, dest_square))
                    if self.castle_rights(side).has_kingside() {
                        if !self.color_on_is(from.right().right(), side)
                            && !self.color_on_is(from.right(), side)
                            if !self.is_targeted(from, !side)
                                && !self.is_targeted(from.right(), !side)
                                && !self.is_targeted(from.right().right(), !side)
                    if self.castle_rights(side).has_queenside() {
                        if !self.color_on_is(from.left().left(), side)
                            && !self.color_on_is(from.left(), side)
                            if !self.is_targeted(from, !side)
                                && !self.is_targeted(from.left(), !side)
                                && !self.is_targeted(from.left().left(), !side)
                                && !self.is_targeted(from.left().left().left(), !side)

    /// Construct a [`Vec`] of [`Square`] from a [`Square`] (exclusive) to the first [`Piece`]
    /// (inclusive) with a given direction.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Direction, Square};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::D2, Square::D3));
    /// board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::G7, Square::G5));
    /// // 8 | r n b q k b n r
    /// // 7 | p p p p p p . p
    /// // 6 | . . . . . . . .
    /// // 5 | . . . . . . p .
    /// // 4 | . . . . . . . .
    /// // 3 | . . . P . . . .
    /// // 2 | P P P . P P P P
    /// // 1 | R N B Q K B N R
    /// //   +----------------
    /// //     A B C D E F G H
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     board.get_line(Square::C1, Direction::UpRight),
    ///     vec![Square::D2, Square::E3, Square::F4, Square::G5]
    /// )
    /// ```
    pub fn get_line(&self, from: Square, direction: Direction) -> Vec<Square> {
        let mut line = Vec::with_capacity(7);
        let mut current_square = from.follow_direction(direction);
        while self.is_empty(current_square) {
            current_square = current_square.follow_direction(direction);

impl Default for Board {
    /// Default board is his initial state at the beginning of a chess game.
    /// ```txt
    /// 8 | r n b q k b n r
    /// 7 | p p p p p p p p
    /// 6 | . . . . . . . .
    /// 5 | . . . . . . . .
    /// 4 | . . . . . . . .
    /// 3 | . . . . . . . .
    /// 2 | P P P P P P P P
    /// 1 | R N B Q K B N R
    ///   +----------------
    ///     A B C D E F G H
    /// ```
    fn default() -> Self {
        Board::from_str("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1").unwrap()

impl FromStr for Board {
    type Err = Error;

    /// From Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN).
    /// <https://www.chess.com/terms/fen-chess>
    fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        let mut cur_rank = Rank::Eighth;
        let mut cur_file = File::A;
        let mut board = Board::new();

        let tokens: Vec<&str> = value.split(' ').collect();
        if tokens.len() < 6 {
            return Err(Error::InvalidFen {
                fen: value.to_string(),

        let pieces = tokens[0];
        let side = tokens[1];
        let castles = tokens[2];
        let ep = tokens[3];
        let halfmoves = tokens[4];
        let fullmoves = tokens[5];

        // Piece Placement
        for x in pieces.chars() {
            match x {
                '/' => {
                    cur_rank = cur_rank.down();
                    cur_file = File::A;
                '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' => {
                    cur_file = File::new(cur_file.to_index() + (x as usize) - ('0' as usize));
                'r' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Rook, Color::Black));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'R' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Rook, Color::White));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'n' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Knight, Color::Black));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'N' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Knight, Color::White));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'b' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Bishop, Color::Black));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'B' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Bishop, Color::White));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'p' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Pawn, Color::Black));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'P' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Pawn, Color::White));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'q' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Queen, Color::Black));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'Q' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::Queen, Color::White));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'k' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::King, Color::Black));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'K' => {
                    board[Square::make_square(cur_file, cur_rank)] =
                        Some((Piece::King, Color::White));
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                _ => {
                    return Err(Error::InvalidFen {
                        fen: value.to_string(),

        // Side to move
        match side {
            "w" | "W" => board.side_to_move = Color::White,
            "b" | "B" => board.side_to_move = Color::Black,
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::InvalidFen {
                    fen: value.to_string(),

        // Castling Rights
        if castles.contains('K') && castles.contains('Q') {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::Both;
        } else if castles.contains('K') {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::KingSide;
        } else if castles.contains('Q') {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::QueenSide;
        } else {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::NoRights;

        if castles.contains('k') && castles.contains('q') {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::Both;
        } else if castles.contains('k') {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::KingSide;
        } else if castles.contains('q') {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::QueenSide;
        } else {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::NoRights;

        // Possible En Passant Targets
        if let Ok(square) = Square::from_str(ep) {
            board.en_passant = Some(square);

        // halfmoves and fullmoves
        board.halfmoves = halfmoves.parse().unwrap_or(0);
        board.fullmoves = fullmoves.parse().unwrap_or(1);


impl fmt::Display for Board {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Piece Placement
        let mut count = 0;
        for rank in ALL_RANKS.iter().rev() {
            for file in ALL_FILES.iter() {
                let square_index = Square::make_square(*file, *rank).to_index();

                if let Some((piece, color)) = self.squares[square_index] {
                    if count != 0 {
                        write!(f, "{}", count)?;
                        count = 0;
                    write!(f, "{}", piece.to_string(color))?;
                } else {
                    count += 1;

            if count != 0 {
                write!(f, "{}", count)?;

            if *rank != Rank::First {
                write!(f, "/")?;
            count = 0;

        write!(f, " ")?;

        // Side to move
        if self.side_to_move == Color::White {
            write!(f, "w ")?;
        } else {
            write!(f, "b ")?;

        // Castling Rights
        if self.castle_rights[0] == CastleRights::NoRights
            && self.castle_rights[1] == CastleRights::NoRights
            write!(f, "-")?;

        write!(f, " ")?;

        // Possible En Passant Targets
        if let Some(sq) = self.en_passant() {
            write!(f, "{}", sq)?;
        } else {
            write!(f, "-")?;

        // halfmoves and fullmoves
        write!(f, " {} {}", self.halfmoves, self.fullmoves)

impl Index<Square> for Board {
    type Output = Option<(Piece, Color)>;

    fn index(&self, index: Square) -> &Self::Output {

impl IndexMut<Square> for Board {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Square) -> &mut Self::Output {
        &mut self.squares[index.to_index()]

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn state() {

    fn is_valid() {

    fn is_legal() {

    fn update() {

    fn remove_castle_rights() {
        let mut board = Board::default();

        assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::Both);
        assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::Both);

        board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::QueenSide);
        board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::NoRights);

        assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::KingSide);
        assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::Both);

        board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
        board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::Both);

        assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::NoRights);
        assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::NoRights);

    fn piece_on() {
        let board = Board::default();
        assert_eq!(board.piece_on(Square::A1), Some(Piece::Rook));
        assert_eq!(board.piece_on(Square::A2), Some(Piece::Pawn));
        assert_eq!(board.piece_on(Square::A3), None);

    fn piece_on_is() {
        let board = Board::default();
        assert!(board.piece_on_is(Square::A1, Piece::Rook));
        assert!(board.piece_on_is(Square::A7, Piece::Pawn));
        assert!(!board.piece_on_is(Square::A2, Piece::Queen));
        assert!(!board.piece_on_is(Square::A3, Piece::King));

    fn color_on() {
        let board = Board::default();
        assert_eq!(board.color_on(Square::A1), Some(Color::White));
        assert_eq!(board.color_on(Square::A8), Some(Color::Black));
        assert_eq!(board.color_on(Square::A3), None);

    fn color_on_is() {
        let board = Board::default();
        assert!(board.color_on_is(Square::A1, Color::White));
        assert!(board.color_on_is(Square::A8, Color::Black));
        assert!(!board.color_on_is(Square::A2, Color::Black));
        assert!(!board.color_on_is(Square::A3, Color::White));

    fn on() {
        let board = Board::default();
        assert_eq!(board.on(Square::A1), Some((Piece::Rook, Color::White)));
        assert_eq!(board.on(Square::A7), Some((Piece::Pawn, Color::Black)));
        assert_eq!(board.on(Square::A3), None);

    fn is_pinned() {
        let mut board = Board::default();

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::E2, Square::E4));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::F7, Square::F5));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::D1, Square::H5));

        // the only piece that is not pinned

        // All other piece are pinned
        for square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if board.color_on_is(square, board.side_to_move()) {
                if square != Square::G7 {

    fn king_of() {
        let board = Board::default();

        assert_eq!(board.king_of(Color::White), Square::E1);
        assert_eq!(board.king_of(Color::Black), Square::E8);

    fn is_empty() {
        let board = Board::default();
        for square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if square.rank().between(Rank::Third, Rank::Sixth) {

    fn is_occupied() {
        let board = Board::default();
        for square in ALL_SQUARES {
            if square.rank().between(Rank::First, Rank::Second)
                || square.rank().between(Rank::Seventh, Rank::Eighth)

    fn is_targeted() {
        let fen = "r1bqk2r/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/2b1p3/2B1P3/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 6 5";
        let board = Board::from_str(fen).expect("valid fen");
        // 8 | r . b q k . . r
        // 7 | p p p p . p p p
        // 6 | . . n . . n . .
        // 5 | . . b . p . . .
        // 4 | . . B . P . . .
        // 3 | . . N . . N . .
        // 2 | P P P P . P P P
        // 1 | R . B Q K . . R
        //   +----------------
        //     A B C D E F G H

        assert!(board.is_targeted(Square::E4, Color::Black)); // Knight
        assert!(board.is_targeted(Square::E5, Color::White)); // Knight

        assert!(board.is_targeted(Square::F2, Color::Black)); // Bishop
        assert!(board.is_targeted(Square::F7, Color::White)); // Bishop

        // Not targeted
        assert!(!board.is_targeted(Square::A8, Color::White));
        assert!(!board.is_targeted(Square::H1, Color::Black));
        assert!(!board.is_targeted(Square::E1, Color::Black));
        assert!(!board.is_targeted(Square::D8, Color::White));

    fn is_check() {

    fn is_exposing_move() {

    fn has_valid_moves() {

    fn has_legal_moves() {

    fn get_valid_move() {

    fn get_legal_move() {

    fn get_line() {

    fn from_fen() {
        let fen = "r1bqk2r/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/2b1p3/2B1P3/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 6 5";
        let fen_board = Board::from_str(fen).expect("valid fen");

        let mut board = Board::default();

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::E2, Square::E4));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::E7, Square::E5));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::B1, Square::C3));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::B8, Square::C6));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::G1, Square::F3));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::G8, Square::F6));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::F1, Square::C4));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::F8, Square::C5));

        assert_eq!(board, fen_board, "update don't work?");

        // Broke CastleRights
        let fen = "r1bq1rk1/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/2b1p3/2B1P3/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK1R1 w Q - 8 6";
        let fen_board = Board::from_str(fen).expect("valid fen");

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::H1, Square::G1)); // rook move so remove kingside
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::E8, Square::G8)); // king use castle kingside then loose both CastleRights

        assert_eq!(board, fen_board, "Castle remove don't work?");

    fn to_fen() {
        let mut board = Board::default();

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::E2, Square::E4));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::E7, Square::E5));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::B1, Square::C3));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::B8, Square::C6));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::G1, Square::F3));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::G8, Square::F6));

        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::F1, Square::C4));
        board.update(ChessMove::new(Square::F8, Square::C5));

        let fen = "r1bqk2r/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/2b1p3/2B1P3/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 6 5";
        assert_eq!(board.to_string(), fen.to_string());