rfc-graph 0.4.3

How the rfc are referencing each other
# RFC Graph

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  <a href="https://crates.io/crates/rfc-graph">
    <img src="https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rfc-graph.svg"
      alt="Crates.io" />
  <a href="https://docs.rs/rfc-graph">
    <img src="https://docs.rs/rfc-graph/badge.svg"
      alt="docs" />

How the rfc are referencing each other ?

let (rfcs_linked, status) = rfc_graph::RfcGraph::get(5322, 3).await;
println!("{rfcs:?} {status:?}");

$> cargo run -- -h
rfc-graph 0.1.1

    rfc-graph [OPTIONS] --root <ROOT>

    -h, --help                             Print help information
        --recursion-max <RECURSION_MAX>    Number of recursive iteration max [default: 2]
        --root <ROOT>                      Number of the first rfc page in the graph (root)
    -V, --version                          Print version information

Output generated:

* `cache.json` : a `HashMap<i32, Vec<i32>>` with key is the rfc source and values are the rfc referenced
* `input.dot` : a representation of the graph generated following the [dot format]https://graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html by [graphviz]https://graphviz.org/
* `output.svg` : a svg version of the dot graph

$> cargo run -- --root 5322 --recursion-max 1

![rfc 5322 one recursion](docs/5322-level-1.svg)

$> cargo run -- --root 5322 --recursion-max 2

![rfc 5322 two recursion](docs/5322-level-2.svg)

The referencing in the rfcs are exponential, so you **might not** want to run with `--recursion-max 4`

## Color

| Status                            | Color  |
| --------------------------------- | ------ |
| Unknown                           ||
| Draft                             | 🟥     |
| Informational                     | 🟧     |
| Experimental                      | 🟨     |
| Best Common Practice              | 🟪     |
| Proposed Standard                 | 🟦     |
| Draft Standard (old designation)  | :cyan: |
| Internet Standard                 | 🟩     |
| Historic                          ||
| Obsolete                          | 🟫     |

Leaf node status is unknown as the web scraping is not done for them

## Next Features

I would like to add the following features :

* display the title of the rfc
* improve the graph view (for huge graph readability)
* render the status of the leaf node