rexpaint 0.1.1

This crate provides functionality for reading and writing .xp files of the Grid Sage Games REXPaint ASCII art editor

REXPaint Rust crate

REXPaint logo

This crate provides functionality for reading and writing .xp files of the Grid Sage Games REXPaint ASCII art editor.

This can be used to import the images directly into a game, or to build tools for generating or manipulating images.


Automatically generated documentation for the crate can be found on


A few example tools are part of the crate

  • noise generates turbulence noise, puts it the background of character cells, and writes to noise.xp, which can then be read into REXPaint. The color map used to map noise values to colors is selectable.

Running noise example

  • view prints rexpaint images to the terminal (requires true-color support). This assumes that a codepage 437 font was used.

Running view example

  • textwrap wraps text into a .xp file of a specified size like
cargo run --example textwrap /path/to/text test.xp 16 8

The text is converted from unicode to codepage 437, undefined characters are replaced with !

  • tcod displays the xp image given on the command line using the popular tile-based rendering library libtcod (tcod-rs). This is likely the example that you want if you want to use it in a roguelike game.

See these examples for how to use the library.