reveal-yaml 0.16.2

A YAML project manager serving Reveal.js slides.


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Rust implementation of Reveal.js YAML server, a command line interface (CLI) tool.

This manager downloads the latest Reveal.js archive to provide serving and packing function, and had same licensed as Reveal.js.

Static demo on gh-pages:

YAML 1.2 backend: (hosted by myself)

Why should I use this?

Source Output
YAML + media (Images / Videos) HTML Slide (static) / Showcase

Have you ever using Reveal.js with Markdown, but it is still difficult to maintain HTML slideshows? This work provides a clean YAML file for your slides, an auto-generated outline, a simple layout function, a powerful support with original Reveal.js function, and a live presentation when editing.

Difference to the before work, the Markdown to HTML translation works by this parser instead of using markdown.js, so there is no more HTML escaping since they will be handled enough. Except for using Markdown recursively in your code block, this needs to use the <code> tags by yourself.

If you are not decide yet, see the documentation for more information.


Download CLI executable from GitHub release:

Wherever the binary placed, it should be visible for the environment variable PATH.

If you are a Rust user, install it with cargo is possible. Unfortunately, the binary is build with the cargo toolchain, and you will get a large size than the CI/CD result.

cargo install reveal-yaml

It recommends download GitHub distribution directly for saving your time. For example, a CI/CD script can write as:

wget -O
chmod +x rym
./rym pack

The executable can be checked with rym --help.

Command Line Interface

The command rym stands for "Reveal-Yaml Manager".

# Download the latest Reveal.js archive
rym update
# Create a project to current directory
# Only "reveal.yaml" will be create, the rest is up to you!
rym new .
# Serve the slides
rym serve
# Reformat the project file
rym fmt
# Pack the project to HTML archive
rym pack

Edit Mode (Hot Reload / Auto-reload)

There are -e / --edit flags on the serve command. This option let the server keep watching the project file reveal.yaml, then reload the page from the web browser.

If this option is not enabled, the server will only resolve once at startup, and always use the cache.

rym serve --edit