reui 0.0.2

Renderer for User Interface
use std::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Rem, Sub};
use std::ops::{AddAssign, DivAssign, MulAssign, RemAssign, SubAssign};

fn lerp(a: f32, b: f32, t: f32) -> f32 {
    a.mul_add(1.0 - t, b * t)

macro_rules! impl_op {
    ($trait:ident<f32> for $dst:ident fn $fn:ident ($op:tt) -> $output:ident) => {
        impl $trait<f32> for $dst {
            type Output = Self;
            fn $fn(self, rhs: f32) -> Self::Output {
                Self::Output::new(self.x $op rhs, self.y $op rhs)
    ($trait:ident<$rhs:ident> for $dst:ident fn $fn:ident ($op:tt) -> $output:ident) => {
        impl $trait<$rhs> for $dst {
            type Output = $output;
            fn $fn(self, rhs: $rhs) -> Self::Output {
                Self::Output::new(self.x $op rhs.x, self.y $op rhs.y)

macro_rules! impl_assign {
    ($trait:ident<f32> for $dst:ident fn $fn:ident ($op:tt)) => {
        impl $trait<f32> for $dst {
            fn $fn(&mut self, rhs: f32) {
                self.x $op rhs;
                self.y $op rhs;
    ($trait:ident<$rhs:ident> for $dst:ident fn $fn:ident ($op:tt)) => {
        impl $trait<$rhs> for $dst {
            fn $fn(&mut self, rhs: $rhs) {
                self.x $op rhs.x;
                self.y $op rhs.y;

macro_rules! impl_conv {
    ($dst:ident) => {
        impl From<(f32, f32)> for $dst {
            fn from((x, y): (f32, f32)) -> Self {
                Self { x, y }
        impl From<[f32; 2]> for $dst {
            fn from([x, y]: [f32; 2]) -> Self {
                Self { x, y }
        impl From<$dst> for (f32, f32) {
            fn from($dst { x, y }: $dst) -> (f32, f32) {
                (x, y)
        impl From<$dst> for [f32; 2] {
            fn from($dst { x, y }: $dst) -> [f32; 2] {
                [x, y]

impl Neg for Offset {
    type Output = Self;
    fn neg(self) -> Self {
        (-self.x, -self.y).into()

impl_op!(Add<Self> for Offset fn add(+) -> Self);
impl_op!(Sub<Self> for Offset fn sub(-) -> Self);
impl_op!(Mul<f32> for Offset fn mul(*) -> Self);
impl_op!(Div<f32> for Offset fn div(/) -> Self);
impl_op!(Rem<f32> for Offset fn rem(%) -> Self);

impl_assign!(AddAssign<Self> for Offset fn add_assign(+=));
impl_assign!(SubAssign<Self> for Offset fn sub_assign(-=));
impl_assign!(MulAssign<f32> for Offset fn mul_assign(*=));
impl_assign!(DivAssign<f32> for Offset fn div_assign(/=));
impl_assign!(RemAssign<f32> for Offset fn rem_assign(%=));

/// Represents point or vector.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Offset {
    pub x: f32,
    pub y: f32,

impl Offset {
    pub const fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

    pub const fn zero() -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, 0.0)

    pub const fn infinity() -> Self {
        Self::new(f32::INFINITY, f32::INFINITY)

    pub fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        Self::new(self.x.min(other.x), self.y.min(other.y))

    pub fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        Self::new(self.x.max(other.x), self.y.max(other.y))

    pub fn cross(self, other: Self) -> f32 {
        // sx * oy + -(ox * sy)
        self.x.mul_add(other.y, -(other.x * self.y))

    pub fn floor(self) -> Self {

    pub fn ceil(self) -> Self {

    pub fn round(self) -> Self {

    pub fn magnitude(self) -> f32 {

    pub fn magnitude_sq(self) -> f32 {
        self.x.mul_add(self.x, self.y * self.y)

    pub fn scale(self, x: f32, y: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(self.x * x, self.y * y)

    pub fn lerp(a: Self, b: Self, t: f32) -> Self {
        Self {
            x: lerp(a.x, b.x, t),
            y: lerp(a.y, b.y, t),

    pub fn is_finite(self) -> bool {
        self.x.is_finite() && self.y.is_finite()

    fn map(self, map: impl Fn(f32) -> f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(map(self.x), map(self.y))

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Rounding {
    /// Radius of the rounding of the North-West (left top) corner.
    pub nw: f32,
    /// Radius of the rounding of the North-East (right top) corner.
    pub ne: f32,
    /// Radius of the rounding of the South-West (left bottom) corner.
    pub sw: f32,
    /// Radius of the rounding of the South-East (right bottom) corner.
    pub se: f32,

impl Rounding {
    pub const fn new(nw: f32, ne: f32, sw: f32, se: f32) -> Self {
        Self { nw, ne, sw, se }

    pub const fn nw(nw: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(nw, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    pub const fn ne(ne: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, ne, 0.0, 0.0)

    pub const fn sw(sw: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, 0.0, sw, 0.0)

    pub const fn se(se: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, se)

    pub const fn zero() -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    pub const fn top(radius: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(radius, radius, 0.0, 0.0)

    pub const fn bottom(radius: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, 0.0, radius, radius)

    pub const fn left(radius: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(0.0, radius, 0.0, radius)

    pub const fn right(radius: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(radius, 0.0, radius, 0.0)

    pub const fn same(radius: f32) -> Self {
        Self {
            ne: radius,
            nw: radius,
            sw: radius,
            se: radius,

/// A rectangular region of space.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Rect {
    pub min: Offset,
    pub max: Offset,

impl Rect {
    pub const fn new(min: Offset, max: Offset) -> Self {
        Self { min, max }

    pub fn from_ltrb(left: f32, top: f32, right: f32, bottom: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(Offset::new(left, top), Offset::new(right, bottom))

    pub fn from_center(center: Offset, width: f32, height: f32) -> Self {
        let pad = Offset::new(width / 2.0, height / 2.0);
        Self::new(center - pad, center + pad)

    pub fn from_oval(cx: f32, cy: f32, rx: f32, ry: f32) -> Self {
        let center = Offset::new(cx, cy);
        let pad = Offset::new(rx, ry);
        Self::new(center - pad, center + pad)

    pub fn from_ltwh(left: f32, top: f32, width: f32, height: f32) -> Self {
        Self::from_ltrb(left, top, left + width, top + height)

    pub fn from_points(a: Offset, b: Offset) -> Self {
        Self::new(Offset::min(a, b), Offset::max(a, b))

    pub fn to_xywh(&self) -> [f32; 4] {
        [self.min.x, self.min.y, self.dx(), self.dy()]

    pub fn from_size(w: f32, h: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(Offset::zero(), Offset::new(w, h))

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.min.x >= self.max.x || self.min.y >= self.max.y

    pub fn contains(&self, p: Offset) -> bool {
        p.x >= self.min.x && p.x < self.max.x && p.y >= self.min.y && p.y < self.max.y

    pub fn dx(&self) -> f32 {
        self.max.x - self.min.x

    pub fn dy(&self) -> f32 {
        self.max.y - self.min.y

    pub fn size(&self) -> Offset {
        Offset::new(self.dx(), self.dy())

    pub fn center(&self) -> Offset {
        self.min + self.size() / 2.0

    pub fn translate(&self, offset: Offset) -> Self {
        Self::new(self.min + offset, self.max + offset)

    pub fn shift(&self, x: f32, y: f32) -> Self {
        let offset = Offset::new(x, y);
        Self::new(self.min + offset, self.max + offset)

    pub fn inflate(&self, delta: f32) -> Self {
        let delta = Offset::new(delta, delta);
        Self::new(self.min - delta, self.max + delta)

    pub fn deflate(&self, delta: f32) -> Self {
        let delta = Offset::new(delta, delta);
        Self::new(self.min + delta, self.max - delta)

    pub fn intersect(r: Self, s: Self) -> Self {
        Self::new(Offset::max(r.min, s.min), Offset::min(r.max, s.max))

    pub fn union(r: Self, s: Self) -> Self {
        Self::new(Offset::min(r.min, s.min), Offset::max(r.max, s.max))

    pub fn overlaps(r: Self, s: Self) -> bool {
        r.min.x <= s.max.x && s.min.x <= r.max.x && r.min.y <= s.max.y && s.min.y <= r.max.y

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug, bytemuck::Zeroable, bytemuck::Pod)]
pub struct Transform {
    pub sx: f32,
    pub shy: f32,
    pub shx: f32,
    pub sy: f32,

    pub tx: f32,
    pub ty: f32,

impl Default for Transform {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Mul<Self> for Transform {
    type Output = Self;

    fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        Self::multiply(&self, &other)

impl MulAssign<Self> for Transform {
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
        *self = Self::multiply(self, &other);

impl Transform {
    pub const fn new(sx: f32, shx: f32, tx: f32, shy: f32, sy: f32, ty: f32) -> Self {
        Self {

    pub const fn identity() -> Self {
        Self::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

    pub const fn translate(tx: f32, ty: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(1.0, 0.0, tx, 0.0, 1.0, ty)

    pub const fn scale(sx: f32, sy: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(sx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, sy, 0.0)

    pub const fn shear(shx: f32, shy: f32) -> Self {
        Self::new(1.0, shx, 0.0, shy, 1.0, 0.0)

    pub fn skew_x(theta: f32) -> Self {
        Self::shear(theta.tan(), 0.0)

    pub fn skew_y(theta: f32) -> Self {
        Self::shear(0.0, theta.tan())

    pub fn rotate(theta: f32) -> Self {
        let (sn, cs) = theta.sin_cos();
        Self::new(cs, -sn, 0.0, sn, cs, 0.0)

    pub fn rotate_xy2(theta: f32, cx: f32, cy: f32, tx: f32, ty: f32) -> Self {
        let (sn, cs) = theta.sin_cos();
        let tx = tx - (cx * cs) + (cy * sn);
        let ty = ty - (cx * sn) - (cy * cs);
        Self::new(cs, -sn, tx, sn, cs, ty)

    pub fn rotate_xy(theta: f32, cx: f32, cy: f32) -> Self {
        Self::rotate_xy2(theta, cx, cy, cx, cy)

    pub fn rotate_scale_xy(theta: f32, sx: f32, sy: f32, cx: f32, cy: f32) -> Self {
        let (sn, cs) = theta.sin_cos();
        let tx = cx - cx * sx * cs + cy * sy * sn;
        let ty = cy - cy * sy * cs - cx * sx * sn;
        Self::new(sx * cs, -sx * sn, tx, sy * sn, sy * cs, ty)

    fn multiply(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            sx: * + a.shx * b.shy,
            shx: * b.shx + a.shx *,
            tx: * b.tx + a.shx * b.ty + a.tx,
            shy: a.shy * + * b.shy,
            sy: a.shy * b.shx + *,
            ty: a.shy * b.tx + * b.ty + a.ty,

    pub fn inverse(&self) -> Self {
        let n = ( * - self.shy * self.shx).recip();
        Self {
            sx: * n,
            shy: -self.shy * n,
            shx: -self.shx * n,
            sy: * n,
            tx: (self.shx * self.ty - * self.tx) * n,
            ty: (self.shy * self.tx - * self.ty) * n,

    pub fn apply<I: Into<[f32; 2]>, F: From<[f32; 2]>>(&self, coord: I) -> F {

    pub fn apply_impl(&self, [x, y]: [f32; 2]) -> [f32; 2] {
        let xp = x * + y * self.shx + self.tx;
        let yp = x * self.shy + y * + self.ty;
        [xp, yp]