resvg 0.7.0

An SVG rendering library.
## resvg
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*resvg* is an [SVG]( rendering library.

## Purpose

*resvg* can be used as:

- a Rust library
- a C library (see [capi]./capi)
- a CLI application (see [tools/rendersvg]./tools/rendersvg)

to render SVG files based on a
[SVG Full 1.1]( subset
(see [SVG support](#svg-support) for details).

The core idea is to make a fast, small, portable, multiple-backend SVG library
designed for edge-cases.

SVG can be rendered to a raster image or to a backend's canvas (e.g. to a QWidget via QPainter).

## Why a new library?

*resvg* is competing with [librsvg], [QtSvg]
and [Inkscape] (only as a CLI SVG-to-PNG converter).

One of the major differences from other rendering libraries is that *resvg* does a lot
of preprocessing before rendering. It converts shapes to paths, resolves attributes,
removes groups and invisible elements, fixes a lot of issues in malformed SVG files.
Then it creates a simple render tree with all elements and attributes resolved.
And only then it begins rendering. So it's very easy to implement a new rendering backend.

More details [here](

### resvg vs librsvg

*librsvg* is the main competitor to *resvg*. And even though *librsvg* itself is being
rewritten in Rust, as *resvg*, the architecture of the library is completely different:

- *librsvg* is heavily tied to the [cairo] library
- *librsvg* is heavily tied to [GNOME], which makes it painful to distribute outside the Linux ecosystem
- *librsvg* doesn't produce an intermediate rendering tree
- *librsvg* has minimal support for edge cases, which leads to rendering errors

### resvg vs Inkscape

Inkscape is often used to convert SVG to PNG, but it's not an actual competitor to *resvg*,
since it's still a complete vector editor, not a tiny library.
Also, it's very slow. But it has the best SVG support amongst others.

### resvg vs QtSvg

Without a doubt, [QtSvg] is heavily used in [Qt] applications.
But [QtSvg] itself is very limited. It officially supports only a tiny portion
of the SVG Tiny 1.2 subset. In simple terms – it correctly renders only primitive SVG images.
Also, it's [deprecated](

## SVG support

*resvg* is aiming to support only the [static](
SVG subset; e.g. no `a`, `script`, `view` or `cursor` elements, no events and no animations.

A list of unsupported features can be found [here](docs/

[SVG Tiny 1.2]( and [SVG 2.0](
are not supported and not planned.

Results of the static subset of the [SVG test suite](


Results of the [resvg test suite](


You can find a complete table of supported features
It also includes alternative libraries.

## Performance

Note that all tested applications have a different SVG support, which impacts the performance.

Also, we do not test against Chrome, Firefox, Inkscape and Batik because they have a huge startup time.


- Elementary Icon Theme contains 3417 files.
- Qt backend is slow because `QRasterPaintEngine` is slow.


- The Oxygen icon theme contains 4947 files.
- All images were converted from `.svgz` to `.svg` beforehand.
- `resvg` is slower than `librsvg` because the Oxygen icon theme uses Gaussian blur heavily, which is expensive.
  And `librsvg` uses box blur optimization and multithreading, while `resvg` always uses a single-threaded IIR blur (at least for now).
- QtSvg doesn't support `filter`, `clipPath`, `mask` and `pattern` that are heavily used in the Oxygen icon theme.
  So it's actually very slow.

## Project structure

- `resvg` – rendering backends implementation
  - [`usvg`]./usvg – an SVG simplification tool
    - [`svgdom`] – a DOM-like SVG tree
      - [`roxmltree`] – a DOM-like XML tree
        - [`xmlparser`] – an XML parser
      - [`svgtypes`] – SVG types parser and writer
    - [`rctree`] – a DOM-like tree
  - [`resvg-qt`]./resvg-qt – minimal bindings to [Qt]

All other dependencies aren't written by me for this project.

## Directory structure

- `capi` – C/FFI interface for *resvg*
- `docs` – basic documentation
- `examples` – usage examples for *resvg* as a library
- `resvg-qt` – minimal bindings to Qt used by *resvg*
- `src` – source code
- `testing-tools` – scripts used for testing
- `tools` – useful tools
- `usvg` – an SVG simplification library used by *resvg*

## Safety

- The library must not panic. Any panic should be considered a critical bug and should be reported.
  There are only a few methods that can produce a panic.
- The core library structure (see above) does not use any `unsafe`,
  but since all backends are implemented via FFI, we are stuck with `unsafe` anyway.
  Also, `usvg` uses unsafe for fonts memory mapping.

## License

*resvg* is licensed under the [MPLv2.0](

