response-time-analysis 0.3.2

Definitions and algorithms for response-time analysis of real-time systems

Response-Time Analysis (RTA) in Rust

This crate provides interfaces, definitions, and algorithms for the response-time analysis of real-time systems.

Scope: A Toolkit, not a Tool

The crate does not provide a ready-made tool itself, is not specific to any particular input format or set of assumptions, and does not offer or require a canonical task representation. Rather, it is intended as a low-level library of reusable definitions and analyses, held together by a bunch of traits. Based on this foundation, higher-level facilities (and one-off research tools) may be built.


Some of the analyses provided in this crate stem from the following publications:

When using analyses from this crate for academic work, please cite the corresponding papers.


Patches and feedback are welcome. Please open issues and/or pull requests on GitHub.


Please contact Björn Brandenburg in case of questions.