resol-vbus 0.2.1

A Rust library for processing RESOL VBus data.
//! Functions in the module can be used to convert a `Data` variant into the respective recorded
//! representation according to the VBus Recording File Format.

use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian};
use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone, Utc};

use crate::{data::Data, header::Header};

/// Returns the number of bytes that the recorded representation of the Data needs.
pub fn length_from_data(data: &Data) -> usize {
    match *data {
        Data::Packet(ref packet) => 26 + packet.frame_count as usize * 4,
        Data::Datagram(_) => 26 + 6,
        Data::Telegram(ref tgram) => 26 + tgram.frame_count() as usize * 7,

/// Stores the timestamp in the provided byte slice.
pub fn bytes_from_timestamp(timestamp: DateTime<Utc>, buf: &mut [u8]) {
    let timestamp_s = timestamp.timestamp();
    let timestamp_ms = timestamp.timestamp_subsec_millis();
    let timestamp = timestamp_s * 1000 + i64::from(timestamp_ms);

    LittleEndian::write_i64(&mut buf[0..8], timestamp);

/// Stores the record header in the provided byte slice.
pub fn bytes_from_record(typ: u8, length: u16, timestamp: DateTime<Utc>, buf: &mut [u8]) {
    buf[0] = 0xA5;
    buf[1] = typ;
    LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[2..4], length);
    LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[4..6], length);
    bytes_from_timestamp(timestamp, &mut buf[6..14]);

/// Stores a "VBus channel marker" record in the provided byte slice.
pub fn bytes_from_channel(channel: u8, buf: &mut [u8]) {
    bytes_from_record(0x77, 16, Utc.timestamp(0, 0), buf);
    buf[14] = channel;
    buf[15] = 0;

/// Stores the recorded representation of the Data in the provided byte slice.
pub fn bytes_from_data(data: &Data, buf: &mut [u8]) {
    let length = length_from_data(data);

        let header: &Header = data.as_ref();
        bytes_from_record(0x66, length as u16, header.timestamp, buf);
        LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[14..16], header.destination_address);
        LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[16..18], header.source_address);
        buf[18] = header.protocol_version;
        buf[19] = 0;

    match *data {
        Data::Packet(ref packet) => {
            let frame_data_length = packet.frame_count as usize * 4;

            LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[20..22], packet.command);
            LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[22..24], frame_data_length as u16);
            buf[24] = 0;
            buf[25] = 0;
            buf[26..(26 + frame_data_length)]
        Data::Datagram(ref dgram) => {
            LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[20..22], dgram.command);
            buf[22] = 6;
            buf[23] = 0;
            buf[24] = 0;
            buf[25] = 0;
            LittleEndian::write_i16(&mut buf[26..28], dgram.param16);
            LittleEndian::write_i32(&mut buf[28..32], dgram.param32);
        Data::Telegram(ref tgram) => {
            let frame_data_length = tgram.frame_count() as usize * 7;

            buf[20] = tgram.command;
            buf[21] = 0;
            LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf[22..24], frame_data_length as u16);
            buf[24] = 0;
            buf[25] = 0;
            buf[26..(26 + frame_data_length)]

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use chrono::TimeZone;

    use crate::{
        test_data::{RECORDING_1, RECORDING_3},

    fn test_length_from_data() {
        let channel = 0x11;

        let data1 = data_from_checked_bytes(channel, &RECORDING_1[100..]);

        assert_eq!(134, length_from_data(&data1));

        let data2 = data_from_checked_bytes(channel, &RECORDING_3[0..]);

        assert_eq!(32, length_from_data(&data2));

        // NOTE(daniel): no official Telegram recording found...

    fn test_bytes_from_timestamp() {
        let timestamp = Utc.timestamp(1485688933, 0);

        let mut buf = [0u8; 8];

        bytes_from_timestamp(timestamp, &mut buf);
        assert_eq!("880af6e959010000", to_hex_string(&buf));

    fn test_bytes_from_record() {
        let timestamp = Utc.timestamp(1485688933, 0);

        let mut buf = [0u8; 14];

        bytes_from_record(0x66, 134, timestamp, &mut buf);
        assert_eq!("a56686008600880af6e959010000", to_hex_string(&buf));

    fn test_bytes_from_channel() {
        let mut buf = [0u8; 16];

        bytes_from_channel(0x11, &mut buf);
        assert_eq!("a5771000100000000000000000001100", to_hex_string(&buf));

    fn test_bytes_from_data() {
        let channel = 0x11;

        let mut buf = [0u8; 1024];

        let data1 = data_from_checked_bytes(channel, &RECORDING_1[100..]);

        bytes_from_data(&data1, &mut buf);
        assert_eq!(&RECORDING_1[100..234], &buf[0..134]);

        let data2 = data_from_checked_bytes(channel, &RECORDING_3[0..]);

        bytes_from_data(&data2, &mut buf);
        assert_eq!(&RECORDING_3[0..32], &buf[0..32]);

        // NOTE(daniel): no official Telegram recording found...