Crate resman[][src]

Expand description

Runtime managed resource borrowing.

This library provides a map that can store one of any type, as well as mutable borrows to each type at the same time.

Note: This implementation is extracted from shred, with the following differences:

  • Debug implementation prints out the type name instead of type ID for the key.
  • Uses downcast-rs instead of mopa for downcasting types.
  • Adds Debug and PartialEq implementations for borrow types when the resource type implements those traits.
  • Returns None instead of panicking for try_borrow* functions when the resource is already borrowed.


Add the following to Cargo.toml

resman = "0.7.0"

resman = { version = "0.7.0", features = ["debug"] }
resman = { version = "0.7.0", features = ["fn_res"] }

In code:

use resman::Resources;

struct A(u32);
struct B(u32);

let mut resources = Resources::default();


// We can validly have two mutable borrows from the `Resources` map!
let mut a = resources.borrow_mut::<A>();
let mut b = resources.borrow_mut::<B>();
a.0 = 2;
b.0 = 3;

// We need to explicitly drop the A and B borrows, because they are runtime
// managed borrows, and rustc doesn't know to drop them before the immutable
// borrows after this.

// Multiple immutable borrows to the same resource are valid.
let a_0 = resources.borrow::<A>();
let _a_1 = resources.borrow::<A>();
let b = resources.borrow::<B>();

println!("A: {}", a_0.0);
println!("B: {}", b.0);

// Trying to mutably borrow a resource that is already borrowed (immutably
// or mutably) returns `Err`.
let a_try_borrow_mut = resources.try_borrow_mut::<A>();
let exists = if a_try_borrow_mut.is_ok() {
} else {
println!("a_try_borrow_mut: {}", exists); // prints "Err"



The Debug implementation for Resources will use the Debug implementation for the values when printed. This requires that all Resources to also implement Debug.


let mut resources = Resources::default();
println!("{:?}", resources);

// Without `"debug"` feature:
// {u32: ".."}

// With `"debug"` feature:
// {u32: 1}

Enables the FnRes trait, allowing dynamic functions invocation under a generic function type.

Usage of this API is as follows:

  1. Define regular functions or closures to run.

    • The functions should take &T or &mut T as parameters.
    • The return type of all functions should be the same.

    Currently there is a limit of 7 parameters.

  2. Call my_function.into_fn_res() to obtain a Box<dyn FnRes>.

  3. Call to automatically borrow T from resources and invoke the function.


use resman::{FnRes, IntoFnRes, Resources};

/// Borrows `u32` mutably, and `u64` immutably.
fn f1(a: &mut u32, b: &u64) -> u64 {
    *a += 1;
    *a as u64 + *b

/// Borrows `u32` immutably, and `u64` mutably.
fn f2(a: &u32, b: &mut u64) -> u64 {
    *b += 1;
    *a as u64 + *b

let functions = [
    (|a: &u32, b: &u64| *a as u64 + *b).into_fn_res(),

let mut resources = Resources::default();

let sum = functions
    .fold(0, |sum, fn_res| sum +;

assert_eq!(5, sum); // 1 + 2 + 2

let debug_str = format!("{:?}", resources);
assert!(debug_str.contains("u32: 1"));
assert!(debug_str.contains("u64: 1"));

Since Resources has internal mutability, care must be taken to not run multiple functions that borrow the same value mutably from Resources at the same time when using FnRes::call, otherwise it will panic.

Use FnRes::try_call for a non-panicking version, which will return a BorrowFail error if there is an overlapping borrow conflict at runtime.

See Also

  • anymap: Map of any type, without multiple mutable borrows.
  • rt_map: Runtime managed mutable borrowing from a map.
  • shred: Contains Resources type, plus a task dispatcher.


Function that gets its arguments / parameters from a Resources map.

Reference to a resource.

Mutable reference to a resource.

Map from TypeId to type.


Failures to borrow a value.


Function that gets its arguments / parameters from a Resources map.

Extension to return Box<dyn FnRes> for a function.

Extension to return FnResource for a function.

Trait to represent any type that is Send + Sync + 'static.