rercon 0.1.1

A simple RCON library with automatic reconnection support
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream};
use std::time::Duration;

use crate::error::RconError;
use crate::error::RconError::{CommandTooLongError, DesynchronizedPacketError, PasswordIncorrectError, UnexpectedPacketError};

pub struct SingleConnection {
    stream: TcpStream,
    counter: i32,

impl SingleConnection {
    pub fn open<S: Into<String>>(address: S, pass: S, connect_timeout: Option<Duration>) -> Result<Self, RconError> {
        let socket_address: SocketAddr = address.into().parse()?;
        let mut stream = match connect_timeout {
            Some(timeout) => TcpStream::connect_timeout(&socket_address, timeout),
            None => TcpStream::connect(&socket_address),

        Packet::new(0, TYPE_AUTH, pass.into()).send_internal(&mut stream)?;
        let response = Packet::read(&mut stream)?;
        if *response.get_packet_type() != TYPE_AUTH_RESPONSE {
            return Err(UnexpectedPacketError);
        if *response.get_id() == -1 {
            return Err(PasswordIncorrectError);

        Ok(Self {
            counter: 0,

    pub fn exec<S: Into<String>>(&mut self, cmd: S) -> Result<String, RconError> {
        let cmd = cmd.into();
        if cmd.len() > 1014 { // 1024 - 10
            return Err(CommandTooLongError);

        // 0. Prepare some variables
        let mut end_id = -1;
        let mut result = String::new();

        // 1. Send the original command
        let original_id = self.next_counter();
        Packet::new(original_id, TYPE_EXEC, cmd).send_internal(&mut;

        // 2. Loop until we have confirmation the message is complete
        loop {
            // 3. Read the first response to the command
            let response = Packet::read(&mut;

            // 4. After the first read, we send an empty command, which should be mirrored.
            //    We do this because some RCON servers don't properly respond if we send execs
            //    too fast. So we wait for the first response.
            if end_id == -1 { // Our counter can never be negative due to overflow protection
                end_id = self.next_counter();
                Packet::new(end_id, TYPE_EXEC, "").send_internal(&mut;

            // 5. Check if we received the correct ID, if not, something thread-fucky went on.
            if *response.get_id() != original_id && *response.get_id() != end_id {
                return Err(DesynchronizedPacketError);

            // 6. We should only be receiving a response at this time.
            if *response.get_packet_type() != TYPE_RESPONSE {
                return Err(UnexpectedPacketError);

            // 7. If we receive a response to our empty command from 4, that means all previous
            //    messages have been sent and (hopefully) received. That means we can finish up our
            //    result.
            if *response.get_id() == end_id {

            // 8. All checks have passed, append body to the end result
            result += response.get_body().as_str();

        // Thank you come again

    fn next_counter(&mut self) -> i32 {
        self.counter = match self.counter.checked_add(1) {
            Some(new) => new,
            None => 1,