Expand description

Log “request x-rays” for rust programs instrumented with tracing. This includes aggregated wall/own times as frequently found in flame graphs in a human-friendly text format. Example:

Dec 20 18:48:32.405  INFO Call summary of request@examples/nested.rs:47

                          0 001 ┊      377.886 ┊        0.260 ┊ ┬ request
                          0 001 ┊      120.704 ┊       48.896 ┊ ├┬ nested
                          0 001 ┊        0.008 ┊        0.008 ┊ ┊├─ random
                          1 000 ┊       64.347 ┊       64.347 ┊ ┊╰─ repeated
                          0 002 ┊        0.118 ┊        0.118 ┊ ├─ repeated
                          0 001 ┊        3.818 ┊        0.049 ┊ ├┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.762 ┊        0.053 ┊ ┊╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.702 ┊        0.057 ┊ ┊ ╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.637 ┊        0.056 ┊ ┊  ╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.574 ┊        0.058 ┊ ┊   ╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.503 ┊        0.061 ┊ ┊    ╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.435 ┊        0.063 ┊ ┊     ╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.365 ┊        0.066 ┊ ┊      ╰┬ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊        3.292 ┊        3.292 ┊ ┊       ╰─ nest_deeply
                          0 001 ┊      252.949 ┊       49.258 ┊ ╰┬ nested2
                          0 001 ┊        0.006 ┊        0.006 ┊  ├─ random
                          1 000 ┊       63.343 ┊       63.343 ┊  ├─ repeated
                          0 001 ┊      132.841 ┊       54.091 ┊  ╰┬ nested
                          0 001 ┊        0.007 ┊        0.007 ┊   ├─ random
                          1 000 ┊       70.875 ┊       70.875 ┊   ╰─ repeated

Under the hood, reqray provides a CallTreeCollector tracing Layer which, unsurprisingly, collects call trees. Once the root span (e.g. the top most span = the top most instrumented call) has been closed, the finished call tree is handed over to a FinishedCallTreeProcessor. LoggingCallTreeCollector implements FinishedCallTreeProcessor and logs each call tree in human-friendly way as shown above.

Let’s assume that you already have an explicit setup for tracing like this, then you simply need to add the highlighted line:

    use reqray::CallTreeCollector;
    use tracing_subscriber::{EnvFilter, util::SubscriberInitExt, fmt, prelude::*};

    let fmt_layer = fmt::layer()
    let filter_layer = EnvFilter::try_from_default_env()
        .or_else(|_| EnvFilter::try_new("info"))

    // -----------------------------------------------
    // -----------------------------------------------

Instead of CallTreeCollector::default() you can chose a more explicit config using CallTreeCollectorBuilder and LoggingCallTreeCollectorBuilder.

use reqray::{CallTreeCollectorBuilder, display::LoggingCallTreeCollectorBuilder};
use tracing_subscriber::{EnvFilter, util::SubscriberInitExt, fmt, prelude::*};

// ...
let call_tree_collector = CallTreeCollectorBuilder::default()

    // ...



A CallPathPool contains all CallPathTimings of a call tree indexed by CallPathPoolIds.

A CallPathTiming is an aggregation of all spans with the same call path. That means that their callsite::Identifier is the same and all the callsite::Identifiers of their ancestor spans are also the same.

A tracing::Subscriber which collects call trees and hands finished trees to a FinishedCallTreeProcessor.


A FinishedCallTreeProcessor uses the aggregated call tree for something useful.