reql 0.11.1

A native ReQL driver
//! Turn a query into a changefeed, an infinite stream of objects
//! representing changes to the query's results as they occur
//! A changefeed may return changes to a table or an individual document
//! (a "point" changefeed). Commands such as `filter` or `map` may be used
//! before the `changes` command to transform or filter the output, and
//! many commands that operate on sequences can be chained after `changes`.
//! If the table becomes unavailable, the changefeed will be disconnected,
//! and a runtime exception will be thrown by the driver.
//! Changefeed notifications take the form of a two-field object:
//! ```js
//! {
//!    "old_val": <document before change>,
//!    "new_val": <document after change>
//! }
//! ```
//! When `include_types` is `true`, there will be three fields:
//! ```js
//! {
//!    "old_val": <document before change>,
//!    "new_val": <document after change>,
//!    "type": <result type>
//! }
//! ```
//! When a document is deleted, `new_val` will be `null`; when a document is
//! inserted, `old_val` will be `null`.
//! Certain document transformation commands can be chained before changefeeds.
//! For more information, read the [discussion of changefeeds](
//! in the "Command language" documentation.
//! Changefeeds ignore the `read_mode` flag to `run`, and always behave as if
//! it is set to `single` (i.e., the values they return are in memory on the primary
//! replica, but have not necessarily been written to disk yet). For more details
//! read [Consistency guarantees](
//! The server will buffer up to `changefeed_queue_size` elements (default 100,000).
//! If the buffer limit is hit, early changes will be discarded, and the client will
//! receive an object of the form
//! `{error: "Changefeed cache over array size limit, skipped X elements."}`
//! where `X` is the number of elements skipped.
//! Commands that operate on streams (such as [filter](super::filter) or [map](super::map))
//! can usually be chained after `changes`.  However, since the stream produced by
//! `changes` has no ending, commands that need to consume the entire stream before
//! returning (such as [reduce](super::reduce) or [count](super::count)) cannot.
//! # Examples
//! Subscribe to the changes on a table.
//! Start monitoring the changefeed in one client:
//! ```
//! # reql::example(|r, conn| async_stream::stream! {
//! r.table("games").changes(()).run(conn)
//! # });
//! ```
//! As these queries are performed in a second client
//! ```
//! # use serde_json::json;
//! # reql::example(|r, conn| async_stream::stream! {
//! r.table("games").insert(json!({"id": 1})).run(conn)
//! # });
//! ```
//! the first client would receive and print the following objects:
//! ```json
//! {old_val: null, new_val: {id: 1}}
//! ```

use crate::{cmd, Command};
use ql2::term::TermType;
use reql_macros::CommandOptions;
use serde::Serialize;

/// Optional arguments to `changes`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, CommandOptions, Serialize, Default, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Options {
    /// Controls how change notifications are batched
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub squash: Option<Squash>,
    /// The number of changes the server will buffer between client reads
    /// before it starts dropping changes and generates an error
    /// (default: 100,000).
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub changefeed_queue_size: Option<u32>,
    /// If `true`, the changefeed stream will begin with the current contents
    /// of the table or selection being monitored. These initial results will
    /// have `new_val` fields, but no `old_val` fields. The initial results
    /// may be intermixed with actual changes, as long as an initial result
    /// for the changed document has already been given. If an initial result
    /// for a document has been sent and a change is made to that document
    /// that would move it to the unsent part of the result set (e.g., a
    /// changefeed monitors the top 100 posters, the first 50 have been sent,
    /// and poster 48 has become poster 52), an "uninitial" notification will
    /// be sent, with an `old_val` field but no `new_val` field.
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub include_initial: Option<bool>,
    /// If `true`, the changefeed stream will include special status documents
    /// consisting of the field `state` and a string indicating a change in the
    /// feed's state. These documents can occur at any point in the feed between
    /// the notification documents described below. If `includeStates` is `false`
    /// (the default), the status documents will not be sent.
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub include_states: Option<bool>,
    /// If `true`, a changefeed stream on an `order_by.limit` changefeed will
    /// include `old_offset` and `new_offset` fields in status documents that
    /// include `old_val` and `new_val`. This allows applications to maintain
    /// ordered lists of the stream's result set. If `old_offset` is set and not
    /// `null`, the element at `old_offset` is being deleted; if `new_offset` is
    /// set and not `null`, then `new_val` is being inserted at `new_offset`.
    /// Setting `include_offsets` to `true` on a changefeed that does not support
    /// it will raise an error.
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub include_offsets: Option<bool>,
    /// If `true`, every result on a changefeed will include a `type` field with
    /// a string that indicates the kind of change the result represents:
    /// `add`, `remove`, `change`, `initial`, `uninitial`, `state`.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    /// There are currently two states:
    /// * `{state: 'initializing'}` indicates the following documents represent
    /// initial values on the feed rather than changes. This will be the first
    /// document of a feed that returns initial values.
    /// * `{state: 'ready'}` indicates the following documents represent changes.
    /// This will be the first document of a feed that does *not* return initial
    /// values; otherwise, it will indicate the initial values have all been sent.
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub include_types: Option<bool>,

/// Controls how change notifications are batched
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Squash {
    /// `true`: When multiple changes to the same document occur before a
    /// batch of notifications is sent, the changes are "squashed" into one
    /// change. The client receives a notification that will bring it fully
    /// up to date with the server.
    /// `false`: All changes will be sent to the client verbatim. This is
    /// the default.
    /// `n`: A numeric value (floating point). Similar to `true`, but the
    /// server will wait `n` seconds to respond in order to squash as many
    /// changes together as possible, reducing network traffic. The first
    /// batch will always be returned immediately.

pub trait Arg {
    fn arg(self) -> cmd::Arg<Options>;

impl Arg for () {
    fn arg(self) -> cmd::Arg<Options> {

impl Arg for Options {
    fn arg(self) -> cmd::Arg<Options> {