reql 0.0.6-alpha7

A native RethinkDB driver

RethinkDB Driver

This is a RethinkDB driver written in Rust.

Build Status Latest Version Docs

Note: While this driver is already usable in the current state, the API is not yet stable and many commands are not yet implemented. I recommend you pin to specific versions if you have to code against it. Also kindly submit an issue or pull request if the command you want is missing.

Getting Started

Add this crate to your dependencies section:-

reql = "0.0.6-alpha7"

Import it in your or

extern crate reql;

Run ReQL commands:-

#[macro_use] extern crate reql;

use reql::Client;
use reql::commands::{Db, Table};

fn main() {
    // Create a new ReQL client
    let r = Client::new();
    // Run a command
    let _heroes = r.db("heroes").table(args!("marvel", {read_mode: "outdated"}));


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