[][src]Crate reporting_api

This crate provides some useful Rust code for working with the Reporting API and Network Error Logging W3C draft specifications.


The core of the Reporting API is pretty simple: reports are uploaded via a POST to a URL of your choosing. The payload of the POST request is a JSON-encoded array of reports, and the report schema is defined by the spec.

The Reporting API can be used to upload many different kinds of reports. For instance, Reporting itself defines crash reports, deprecations, and interventions, all of which come from the JavaScript environment running in the browser. Other report types are complex enough that they need to be defined in their own specs, such as Network Error Logging and Content Security Policy. Regardless of where they're defined, each report type defines some fields specific to that type (the body), and the Reporting API defines some fields that are common to all types.

This library provides a definition of all of these schemas as regular Rust types, along with the ability to use serde to serialize and deserialize them. We've carefully defined everything so that serde_json will automatically do The Right Thing and use a JSON serialization that lines up with the various specifications. We also provide way to define body schemas for new report types, and have them seamlessly fit in with the rest of the serialization logic.

Collecting reports

The simplest way to use this library is if you just want to receive reports from somewhere (you're implementing a collector, for instance, and we've already defined Rust types for all of the report types that you care about).

To do that, you just need to use serde_json to deserialize the content of the JSON string that you've received:

let reports: Vec<Report> = serde_json::from_str(payload).unwrap();

That's it! The elements of the vector will represent each of the reports in this upload batch. Each Report instance will contain the fields defined by the Reporting API for all report types, and also a body containing the fields specific to that type of report. You can use the body's is and downcast_ref methods if you know which particular kind of report you want to process. For instance, if you know you only care about Network Error Logging reports:

// Will be an Iterator<Item = &NELReport>
let nel_content = reports.iter().filter_map(|report| report.body.downcast_ref::<NELReport>());

Creating a new report type

This should be a relatively rare occurrence, but consider a new report type that uses the Reporting API but that isn't covered here. For instance, let's say there's a new lint report type whose body content looks like:

    "source_file": "foo.js",
    "line": 10,
    "column": 12,
    "finding": "Indentation doesn't match the rest of the file"

First you'll define a Rust type to hold the body content:

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct LintReport {
    pub source_file: String,
    pub line: u32,
    pub column: u32,
    pub finding: String,

Note that you need to derive a couple of traits, and your type must be 'static (i.e., it cannot contain any references).

Lastly, you must implement the ReportPayload trait for your new type. Every impl of this trait looks exactly the same; you can copy-paste the following, replacing only the type name (LintReport) and the value of the name parameter in the annotation (lint). (This is the value of the type field in the report payload that corresponds to this new report type.)

#[typetag::serde(name = "lint")]
impl ReportPayload for LintReport {
    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {

    fn as_debug(&self) -> &dyn Debug {

    fn eq_payload(&self, other: &dyn ReportPayload) -> bool {
            .map_or(false, |other| self == other)

And that's it! The typetag::serde annotation is the magic that ties everything together; it automatically causes our deserialization logic to look for this type name when deserializing, and delegate to your new type to deserialize the contents of the body field.



A serde parsing module that can be used to parse durations expressed as an integer number of milliseconds.


A serde parsing module that can be used to parse optional durations expressed as an integer number of milliseconds.



A single Network Error Logging report.


Represents a single report uploaded via the Reporting API.


Contains the body of a single report. The actual content for each kind of report is stored in its own Rust type, which must implement the ReportPayload trait.



Each kind of report that can be delivered via the Reporting API will have its own type, which implements this trait. Each type that implements this trait must also implement std::any::Any, std::fmt::Debug, and std::cmp::PartialEq.