Crate repl_rs[][src]

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repl-rs - REPL library for Rust


use std::collections::HashMap;
use repl_rs::{Command, Parameter, Result, Value};
use repl_rs::{Convert, Repl};

// Write "Hello"
fn hello<T>(args: HashMap<String, Value>, _context: &mut T) -> Result<Option<String>> {
    Ok(Some(format!("Hello, {}", args["who"])))

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut repl = Repl::new(())
        .with_description("My very cool app")
             Command::new("hello", hello)

repl-rs uses the builder pattern extensively. What these lines are doing is:

  • creating a repl with an empty Context (see below)
  • with a name of “MyApp”, the given version, and the given description
  • and adding a “hello” command which calls out to the hello callback function defined above
  • the hello command has a single parameter, “who”, which is required, and has the given help message

The hello function takes a HashMap of named arguments, contained in a Value struct, and an (unused) Context, which is used to hold state if you need to - the initial context is passed in to the call to Repl::new, in our case, (). Because we’re not using a Context, we need to include a generic type in our hello function, because there’s no way to pass an argument of type () otherwise.

All command function callbacks return a Result<Option<String>>. This has the following effect:

  • If the return is Ok(Some(String)), it prints the string to stdout
  • If the return is Ok(None), it prints nothing
  • If the return is an error, it prints the error message to stderr


The Value type has conversions defined for all the primitive types. Here’s how that works in practice:

use repl_rs::{Command, Parameter, Result, Value};
use repl_rs::{Convert, Repl};
use std::collections::HashMap;

// Add two numbers.
fn add<T>(args: HashMap<String, Value>, _context: &mut T) -> Result<Option<String>> {
    let first: i32 = args["first"].convert()?;
    let second: i32 = args["second"].convert()?;

    Ok(Some((first + second).to_string()))

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut repl = Repl::new(())
        .with_description("My very cool app")
            Command::new("add", add)
                .with_help("Add two numbers together"),

This example adds two numbers. The convert() function manages the conversion for you.


The Context type is used to keep state between REPL calls. Here’s an example:

use repl_rs::{Command, Parameter, Result, Value};
use repl_rs::{Convert, Repl};
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};

struct Context {
    list: VecDeque<String>,

// Append name to list
fn append(args: HashMap<String, Value>, context: &mut Context) -> Result<Option<String>> {
    let name: String = args["name"].convert()?;
    let list: Vec<String> = context.list.clone().into();

    Ok(Some(list.join(", ")))

// Prepend name to list
fn prepend(args: HashMap<String, Value>, context: &mut Context) -> Result<Option<String>> {
    let name: String = args["name"].convert()?;
    let list: Vec<String> = context.list.clone().into();

    Ok(Some(list.join(", ")))

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut repl = Repl::new(Context::default())
            Command::new("append", append)
                .with_help("Append name to end of list"),
            Command::new("prepend", prepend)
                .with_help("Prepend name to front of list"),

A few things to note:

  • you pass in the initial value for your Context struct to the call to Repl::new()
  • the context is passed to your command callback functions as a mutable reference


repl-rs has support for supplying help commands for your REPL. This is accomplished through the HelpViewer, which is a trait that has a default implementation which should give you pretty much what you expect.

% myapp
Welcome to MyApp v0.1.0
MyApp> help
MyApp v0.1.0: My very cool app
append - Append name to end of list
prepend - Prepend name to front of list
MyApp> help append
append: Append name to end of list
        append name

If you want to roll your own help, just implement HelpViewer and add it to your REPL using the .with_help_viewer() method.


Your command functions don’t need to return repl_rs::Error; you can return any error from them. Your error will need to implement std::fmt::Display, so the Repl can print the error, and you’ll need to implement std::convert::From for repl_rs::Error to your error type. This makes error handling in your command functions easier, since you can just allow whatever errors your functions emit bubble up.

use repl_rs::{Command, Parameter, Value};
use repl_rs::{Convert, Repl};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::result::Result;

// My custom error type
enum Error {

// Implement conversion from repl_rs::Error to my error type
impl From<repl_rs::Error> for Error {
    fn from(error: repl_rs::Error) -> Self {

// My error has to implement Display as well
impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> std::result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        match self {
            Error::DivideByZeroError => write!(f, "Whoops, divided by zero!"),
            Error::ReplError(error) => write!(f, "{}", error),

// Divide two numbers.
fn divide<T>(args: HashMap<String, Value>, _context: &mut T) -> Result<Option<String>, Error> {
    let numerator: f32 = args["numerator"].convert()?;
    let denominator: f32 = args["denominator"].convert()?;

    if denominator == 0.0 {
        return Err(Error::DivideByZeroError);

    Ok(Some((numerator / denominator).to_string()))

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut repl = Repl::new(())
        .with_description("My very cool app")
            Command::new("divide", divide)
                .with_help("Divide two numbers"),



Initialize the name, version and description of the Repl from your crate name, version and description



Struct to define a command in the REPL


Struct which gets sent to HelpViewer when help command is called


Help entry which gets sent to HelpViewer when help for a particular command is requested


Command parameter


Main REPL struct


Value type. Has conversions to every primitive type.



Error type



Trait to convert from a Value to some other type.


Trait to be used if you want your own custom Help output

Type Definitions


Command callback function signature


Result type